Family Goals: An Update on How We Are Doing

This is our fourth year of doing Family Goals, and I really like it! I find that it’s so easy to fall into a rut on weekends. With Family Goals in place, we are more motivated to stretch beyond “business as usual.”
Two weekends ago, for example, we made progress toward two goals. First, we hosted our fifth gathering of friends/neighbors this year at our monthly Saturday Supper. Since it’s a potluck, there’s really no excuse not to do it. I barely even pick up our house in preparation for it. It’s really relaxing and fun to just hang out with people in the backyard.
On Sunday, we went to the recital of a local dance studio. It’s something we would never have gone to without having the goal to go to two performances. The boys were engaged for a full hour watching ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop with performers of all ages. When we got home, we pulled this book back out for a read aloud to make sure they are clear that dance isn’t just for girls.
That reminds me that I need to schedule another performance! I love this small, non-profit theater in Wimberley, Texas. And I can’t forget that we said we would go to three waterparks this summer! Oh, there’s also camping. It’s surprisingly difficult to find available camping sites in Austin! And we haven’t done any volunteering yet as a family this year. We better get on it!
It’s fun to watch how our Family Goals evolve over time as the boys grow older. They are growing up so fast. For example, we go to a tiny little water park that’s relatively inexpensive. It’s not going to hold their interest for much longer! I want to soak it up (pun intended) while we can.