Movies About Pregnancy
This post over at Progressive Pioneer inspired me to add some movies to our Netflix queue. We’ve already seen The Business of Being Born, but I just added:
I’m excited!
Also, she recommends a bunch of books that I’ll have to check out…
Blog Recommendations
I read lots of good blogs by lovely women who already have kiddos (Progressive Pioneer, Sew Liberated, Soule Mama, cakies–just to name a few), but I’m eager to add some new blogs to my daily dose, written by people who are trying to get pregnant.
Any recommendations?
My amazing assistant teacher has been generously bringing me fresh-squeezed juice. I’m starting to wonder if home-juicing might be the best way for me to get some more vitamins and minerals into my diet.
Lord knows I do not need another appliance. We already have a crock pot, George Foreman grill, bread maker, KitchenAid mixer, waffle iron, blender, quesadilla maker, Cuisinart, ice cream maker, fondue pot, and orange juicer (and I’m sure I’m forgetting to name something). Crazy overboard, I know.
Hmm…maybe one of those appliances can be used to juice? Like maybe my Cuisinart?
I have a lot of trouble fitting enough vegetables into my diet. I don’t eat … Read More