In Good Times and Bad
I talk to my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders about how each of us has multiple urges to do things that often conflict with each other. In an attempt to simplify the concept for 6, 7, and 8 year-olds, I try to talk about it in terms of one voice that tells us to make choices that bring us up and another voice that tells us to make choices that bring us down.
One of Matt’s family members just died, and I almost listened to the voice that was advising me to bring myself down.
You see, I was really looking forward to this weekend. I’ve had a tremendously stressful … Read More
Oh, Chickens!
Loving Oneself
I’ve been trying my best to make a clearing for myself. I fill up my days with so many to-do items.
If I stop and ask myself why I’m such a doer, an answer starts to emerge. Why do I do, do, do? Well, it’s because I want to achieve, achieve, achieve. And why do I want to achieve so much? Because I am seeking affirmation and validation from other people. Why do I seek so much external affirmation and validation? Well, that answer is a little more complicated.
First, my biological father didn’t want to have anything to do with me when my mom found out she was pregnant. … Read More