• Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    My Job Nearly Crushed My Spirit

    I wrote and deleted many different titles for this post. I landed on this one because it feels the least hyperbolic. 
    When I finally had time to go to therapy this summer, my therapist literally said, “I hope the past five years have not crushed your spirit or your sense of self.” 
    Now that I’m through it, I can see what he’s talking about. If someone said to me: “I have two children who are two years apart,” I would say, “That’s hard.” If that same person added, “And I’m a full-time working mother,” I might say, “Wow, that’s really hard!” And if she then went on to say, “And
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  • Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    Reflection & Rejuvenation: April

    I knew March was going to be crazy, and it was! But it was also a lot of fun. 
    I found myself getting into a depressed place by the end of it, and it was helpful to step back and realize the sadness was simply coming from the fact that I way over-extended myself during the month and didn’t have anything to do with my actual life. So helpful! 
    So, April, here we come! How is it that a fourth of the year is already gone? I’m grateful for this monthly practice of spending some quiet time by myself checking in and making sure I’m living the kind of life
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  • Uncategorized

    Reflection & Rejuvenation: March

    I’m not sure where February went! Poof! Where did the time go? 
    Matt and I had our monthly date night. Then I traveled to Phoenix for a work conference. Then it was Henry’s birthday weekend. No wonder the month passed so quickly! 
    March is shaping up to be even crazier. We are hosting so many people at our school for SXSWedu. Then it’s two weeks of Spring Break, but Matt is working as a photographer for SXSW. Matt’s family is also coming for a visit. It’s going to be a busy month! 
    What are my goals? 
    I want to enjoy the month, not just survive it. I need to figure
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