
Breakfast of Champions

A couple of factors have led to a shift in my breakfast routine. For a while, I was making a delicious smooth with one cup of organic, non-fat, plain yogurt with a banana (the riper it is, the better for natural sweetness).

But then I got terrible sinus congestion and decided to lay off the dairy products for a while. Plus, it got cold.

So, back to the oatmeal it is. But I like Oatmeal Plus (or “Oatmeal on Steroids”). It includes things like raw pumpkin seeds, apples, dried cranberries, almond slivers and dried cherries. Delicious!

But I need more variety in my life for sure. What do you recommend for a healthy breakfast?


  • MJ

    I eat oatmeal 5 days a week – LOVE it and miss it if I eat something else. In the summer, I throw the ingredients and liquid together in a bowl, cover and put in the fridge overnight – thus I can eat cold oatmeal when it's hot out! When it gets cooler, I just pull it out of the fridge and throw it in the microwave until it's whatever temp I want that day. Other possible variations – canned pumpkin puree, pumpkin butter (or your favorite jam, etc.), chia seeds, whey/rice/hemp protein powder, pb2 peanut butter/choc pb powder, almond butter and of course the flavorings of your choice (cinnamon, pumpkin pie blend, vailla, flavored honey). Since I don't have tolerance for dairy, I use Blue Diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk for the liquid when I want it creamier (there's also unsweetened plain and chocolate) tho I'm sure rice milk or hemp/oat milk would work too.

    Once recent thing I've done is to bake/micro sweet potatoes (several at a time to save time) and then eat a half or whole spread w/almond butter as a snack, treat or quick breakfast – hot or cold as you like.

    I haven't gotten around to trying polenta for breakfast yet, or hot rice cereal. You can also get quinoa flakes or buckwheat for a hot cereal.

    Breakfast food is my favorite!

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