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    Family Movies Featuring Black Characters

    Our Family Movie Nights—brought on by COVID-19 lockdown—have been going well. We alternate who gets to pick the movie each week. This past week, which watched Swiss Family Robinson. Surprisingly, the boys loved it. I say “surprisingly” because it’s more than 60 years old, and it’s not a cartoon. I loved the family’s creativity and appreciation for the natural world. The boys cracked up the entire time and were really engaged.

    However, watching the movie reminded me of the subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways that the media we consume influences our feelings about ourselves and our perspectives on the world. There were several cringe-worthy aspects of Swiss Family Robinson, … Read More

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    Inner Child Therapy

    Did I already talk about my conversation with an inner child therapist? I don’t think I did, but I apologize if this is redundant! 
    The basic idea is that we all have these hurt inner children in us, and an important part of healing and growing is to acknowledge the hurt children, to try and understand the hurt, and to soothe it. 
    My childhood could have been way worse, but there were things that caused me hurt: I never met my father; he didn’t want anything to do with me after my mother got pregnant. We moved from city to city and I never got to spend very much time
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    Back on Track: The Art of Tuning in and Not Doing Too Much

    As I write this, it’s a Saturday morning (I typically write my posts during the weekend and schedule them to run during the week). I just got back from my first run in a long time. I drank a smoothie. I listened to a Podcast while I showered (Friendlier), and all of my boys are out of the house together while I have a couple hours of free time. I’m sitting on our outdoor couch. It feels like Spring, and I can even hear the creek rambling. 
    [insert contented sigh]
    I’ve had to work really hard to get to this place. I had to start eating healthier
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