
Clearing Out the Clutter

Clutter stresses me out.

It does not stress out everyone, but it drives me crazy.

And yet I often let our office/craft room get cluttered (it’s easy to do because we have three tables that make a giant L-shape against the walls).

Ironically, it takes approximately 6 minutes to clear off the clutter entirely. It usually entails putting away a few books, recycling some trash, and filing a few papers.

And yet here I am, trying to write my lesson plans for the first week of school in January, and I’m mired in clutter. Ugh!

Okay, I am going to spend six minutes clearing it off, so the rest of my time will be more focused and productive (and maybe I’ll stop procrastinating by writing blog posts…).

You could do me a huge favor by occasionally leaving a comment that asked, “Sara, is your office organized?” I need that kind of external accountability sometimes. [insert sigh]

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