
Happy Holidays!

My best friend is on a cooking kick. My original present idea was to make him a binder of recipes. Matt and I keep our favorite recipes in a binder for easy access. If we find one online, we print it out and stick it in. If we get it out of a book, we zerox it and add it to our collection. That way, when it’s time to plan our meals for the week we have a cadre of tried-and-true recipes.

However, it dawned on me that he is not a binder person; he is a computer person. So, instead, I scanned in all our favorite recipes and burned them onto a disk so he can download them to his computer.

While I’m at it, I figured I would share them with you! (You should be able to click on an image and enlarge it to a legible form–fingers crossed!)

One Comment

  • Lisa

    I'm so excited to hear someone else does a recipe binder! I bought a large three-ring binder a couple years ago, along with 100 plastic sheet protectors. All of my recipes come from the internet, so I cut and paste onto a Word document and print those. My permanent recipes go into sheet protectors and untried recipes go in without. My family has passed down *zero* recipes, so this is something I wanted to start. It's taking a looong time though!

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