
Crafty Plans

Photo courtesy of Oh! Fransson!

We’re in Bloomington, Indiana, visiting Matt’s family, and my San Diego self is freezing. Seriously!

It’s tempting to stay inside in my pajamas (and warm socks) all day. (By “tempting” I mean that’s exactly what I’ve done.)

I had a good excuse this morning because I had to work on a 6th grade reading unit plan about theme for some consulting I’m doing. And then I decided I needed to clean out my e-mail inbox. Then I started planning my craft projects for the new year. My first project is going to be a bag for my new water bottle, writer’s notebook, wallet, cell phone, and pen.

Since I’m always trying to save money (I only get $70 a month for my personal allowance!), I was ecstatic to find this free pattern. I hope to customize some of the pockets inside the bag to fit my iPhone, water bottle, etc. I also think I’m going to use a magnetic snap instead of a button closure. I think it will fit into my lifestyle a little better.

I e-mailed one of my friends to see if she wanted to set up a crafting date. As pathetic as it sounds, I find that I’m much more likely to make time for crafts if I schedule something. I’m excited!

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