
Marriage Counseling

Matt and I have been talking about going to a couples’ counselor for a while now. There’s nothing hugely wrong with our relationship; we just want to make sure we create a strong foundation for our life together (especially before we have a baby). I read in a recent New York Times article that couples, on average, start going to therapy six years too late.

We’ve dragged our feet for a long time, and it’s time for us to do something about it. The ball was in Matt’s court to create a list of options for us (he’s the one who has really been pushing for us to go), but he hasn’t done it yet. As a side note, I think it would really help for us to create a visible to-do list in our house that contains the next steps we have agreed to do for each other. That way, we would pass by it frequently and remember. We have a set of chalkboards in our kitchen that might be the perfect place for such a think (right now it is used to capture “Hoss’s priorities” like “God, Texas, and Daisy,” his girlfriend at doggy daycare).

I’m not even sure what our insurance covers with regard to therapy. I just tried searching their site, and it doesn’t look like the selection is very extensive.

Matt just e-mailed the HR department at his work to find out more details. Hopefully we can find someone this month!


  • The PeachPost

    My husband and I did not do a formal marriage counseling before we were married. However, we attended a pre-marriage workshop with about 11 other couples and it was wonderful. While we were dating we used Table Topics for couples and that helped us out a lot. We still use it from time to time because as you grow your views may change. Table Topics is great to so that you can know where you stand on certain issues.

  • Molly

    My fiancee and I went through premarital counseling in January and it was such a good experience! I loved finding out all these topics that had never surfaced before in our conversations, and listening to each of our opinions on the matters. Overall, it was a wonderful time.

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