
Operation Closet Reorganization Part II

Operation Closet Reorganization is in full swing. I actually followed through on my “next steps” from Friday’s post. Specifically, I:

  1. Got the dimensions of the space we’re working with.
  2. Made a model of the space on a piece of graph paper.
  3. Brainstormed different arrangements.
  4. Started looking for organizers.

I also realized that I need to add additional steps in there:

  1. Establish goals for the mission: 1) Be as eco-friendly as possible. 2) Ensure that the process induces minimal stress. 3) Keep our tight budget in mind. 4) Create a space that is efficient and effective.
  2. Purge the closet (well, “closets,” since Matt primarily uses the closet in the craft room), so we get an accurate sense of how much stuff we actually need to store.
  3. Make a comprehensive list of everything we need to store in the closet to make sure we create a space for everything.

I started with the bookshelf in the deep part of our closet. Currently, we have two smaller bookshelves, with lots of junked stacked on top. I figured it made much more sense to get one tall and wide bookshelf to capitalize on the space. Of course I headed straight to IKEA to find the right bookshelf in terms of dimensions and price and then searched for the same bookcase on craigslist, since a used option would be more friendly on the Earth and the wallet.

Once I was on the IKEA site, I realized they had a whole closet organizing system that could be purchased by the piece and custom-assembled. At that point, I started working with the arrangement and decided I didn’t need to look much further.

Of course, I had to compromise on my goals a little (since they can be quite contradictory). Buying new stuff is not eco-friendly. It’s also more expensive. However, finding everything at IKEA helps make the whole process less stressful and time consuming and ensures that the final product will be very streamlined and will maximize the available space.

The current configuration (I’m crossing my fingers that I did the math right) will have lots of room for books and baskets (the baskets will hold belts, scarves, and other flotsam and jetsam like bathing suits and leg warmers). We will also hang a hook to the left of the bookcase, so we can hang one of our sleeping bags. I have a down sleeping comforter, so it’s better to store them in an open position.

The clothing part will have room for lots of shirts (although I’m nervous that I’ll need a stool to reach them!), a row for pants (Matt and I will each have five hooks, and the hooks can hold more than one pair), two small drawers and two large ones, an area for dresses, and two shelves for sweaters and sweatshirts (we can also use some space in the bookshelf if we need to).

The total cost would be under $500, which is not as budget-friendly has I had hoped for, but it will be a lot more convenient to get this project rolling and over with in the same weekend.

I’m nervous that I somehow haven’t done the math right and we won’t be able to fit everything in. I’ll ask Matt to double-check my calculations. I’m also estimating that the clothes part will overlap with the bookshelf for about six inches. It’s not a huge deal, but it does mean a small portion of the bookshelf will be difficult to access.

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