
March: Reflection & Rejuvenation

Photo courtesy of Nikki McClure’s 2010 Calendar

It’s March. Hooray! I always like the start of new months. It represents a mini-moment of reflection and rejuvenation. It’s like a little version of New Year’s all over again.

What should I celebrate about February?

  1. I enrolled in a course about how to start your non-profit and a course about how to actualize your dreams.
  2. I met all my consulting deadlines.
  3. I made quilt to auction off at our Montessori fundraiser.
  4. I met up with lots of old friends for dinner.
  5. I attended professional development at the Houston Zoo.
  6. I planned a night of bowling for a group of friends.
  7. I attended a stress management workshop.
  8. I took major steps toward accomplishing my life vision.
  9. I tracked our monthly spending regularly.
  10. I’ve been running consistently.
  11. I read lots of books about conception and fertility.
  12. I maintained my blogs regularly.

What should I aspire to in March?

  1. Eliminate at least two commitments in my life, as a way to make a clearing that allows me to pursue my life dream and make more time for relaxing.
  2. Finish all my work before we leave for spring break.
  3. Enjoy spring break to the fullest!
  4. Eat in a way that makes me my healthiest self (and drink plenty of water!) as part of my “pre-mester” (which could be years!).
  5. Try to sail through another potentially stressful month (and stop filling up my calendar with so much darn stuff!).
  6. Send my friend a good birthday present.
  7. Learn as much as I can at the American Montessori Society conference in Boston.
  8. Plan a fun get-together for my friends.
  9. Finish our fence project.
  10. Buy comfy furniture for our backyard.
  11. Plant tomatoes.
  12. Schedule doctor and dentist appointments (for real this time!).
  13. Start acupuncture.
  14. Do yoga regularly (I mean it.).
  15. Really track my cycle.
  16. Get an earpiece for my cell phone.
  17. Start walking after dinner.
  18. Start relaxing at 8:30pm every night.

I’m excited about the month!

Note to self: Here are some goals for next month that I don’t want to inundate myself with this month:

  • Start looking into the driveway project.
  • Get a potting area set up in our backyard.

One Comment

  • Rebecca

    re your next month 'potting station' goal. I needed one too but wanted it to be mobile, so I grabed an old door from a local building materials swap center and put it up on 2 lightweight plastic saw-horses. Now i can pot wherever I like (in the sun, shade, front or backyard)and it was free(we already had the saw-horses)!

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