
Library Books

I trekked to the library in preparation for our spring break trip. Originally, I wanted to go to the big downtown library, but Laziness beat me in arm wrestling and I went to my local branch instead.

Here’s what I walked away with (in my Envirosax, which I adore):

Pregnancy Books

Fiction Books

  • After You–“The complexities of a friendship. The unexplored doubts of a marriage. And the redemptive power of literature.” Sounds interesting.
  • Day After Night: It’s by the author of The Red Tent, which I couldn’t put down. I love historical fiction.
  • Jennifer Johnson Is Sick of Being Single: Sometimes I need a milkshake in my diet of books. It looks like it will be easy to take down in a few big gulps.

Audio Books

  • Genghis: Bones of the Hills
  • Love and Consequences: A Memoir of Hope and Survival
  • Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love, and Death in Renaissance Italy
  • The Prince of Tides

I’m excited to immerse in book during our road trip!


  • Stacy Marie

    I'll have to read Day After Night, I loved the Red Tent!

    I read the first Skinny Bitch book. They emphasize a vegan diet and also eating "real" foods, so foods with brief lists of ingredients. It seemed contradictory (to me at least) that while they emphasize real foods, in their recipe book they call for soy cheese and soy this and soy that…which technically are really processed foods with lengthy lists of ingredients, so that puzzled me. I'm more of a "eat consciously and moderately" person-eat some real cheese, but make sure it's cheese from humanely treated animals, and don't eat a pound of it in one sitting. Their approach doesn't fit my lifestyle.

    Instead of a juicer, what about green monsters, since you have a blender? I make fruit smoothies with frozen fruit, some juice and a big handful of fresh spinach. You can't taste the spinach at all (if you put enough fruit in there!) and it's a great way to get in 1-2 servings of veggies in the morning.

  • V. Wetlaufer

    I would recommend Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and the Doula Guide to Birth (by Ananda Lowe and Rachel Zimmerman). I have a bunch of other great books on my website (www.bloomingwithindoula.com) that I'm reading for my doula training and I want to constantly give them to everyone I know who is pregnant or wants to be.

  • Annalisa

    Hi! I enjoy reading your wedding blog which was refreshing when we got married last year. I stumbled over here and have 2 book recommendations you might find helpful…..

    1) Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Weschler — way detailed and intimately insightful

    2) The Complete Organic Pregnancy — I cannot remember the author but I have found some interesting info.

    Like you guys, we are thinking about having babies by next summer 🙂

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