
Fancy Pony Land

My friend, Camella, had her wedding dress handmade by Lorna Leedy of Fancy Pony Land fame.

During that time, I saw a profile of Lorna on Offbeat Bride and I swooned. What a fun wedding!

When Matt and I trekked to Marfa during spring break, we stopped by Fancy Pony Land for a visit. I’m quite shy about things like that, but I try to challenge myself whenever I can stand it. I walked right in and asked, “Are you Lorna Leedy?”

I feel like I met a bona fide celebrity. Plus she shared some of her trade secrets. For example, she uses a glue for plastics to set her vinyl appliques in place, so that she’s able to sew them on. And, believe it or not, she uses regular scissors to cut out her designs. I’m stunned.

Her husband works for the National Parks service (on the river in Big Bend!), so they travel for his job. They spend half the year in Marfa and half the year in Washington state.

I try not to covet other people’s lives, but her life is definitely on my If-I-Could-Live-More-Than-One-Life-I-Would-Try-That List.

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