
Backyard Oasis

I’m trying to turn our backyard into an oasis. Right now, it’s not very comfortable. We have different fences on three sides, and it creates a very incongruent feel. Because it doesn’t feel very nice back there, we let it get messier than it needs to be. We have pots and bags of dirt strewn about, as well as two random IKEA chairs in haphazard places, which makes the situation worse.

We’re in the process of getting a consistent fence all the way around the backyard. I also want to get some furniture, so we’re more likely to hang out in our new backyard.

Occasionally, we host dinner parties out back, and we pull the furniture off the front porch and out of the house. It would be nice just to have it already set up. That makes me think that we should probably get the same kind of furniture we typically try to assemble out there, which would be a small couch and two chairs.

Hmm…maybe we could use the two IKEA chairs that are already out there instead of wasting our money and contributing to more stuff in the world. That would mean we would just need to buy a couch and a coffee table.

I like this couch from Amazon, but it doesn’t look like it would be as comfy as other plusher couches.

I also like this couch from Amazon. However, it’s really low to the ground, and it might be difficult to try and mix-and-match it with our existing chairs:
Then there’s this one from Target.

Oh how I wish we could just win some backyard design contest on HGTV.

One last idea: I should check on Craigslist!

One Comment

  • Mallory

    Definitely check craigslist first. We were looking for backyard furniture recently and found a ton of nice(and well priced) backyard furniture there. I found that many people don't see their outdoor furniture as something they want to want drag across the country when they move so it resulted in lots of it on craigslist. Good luck finding some!

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