
Breakfast Options

I’m getting ready to make my first green smoothie (in my regular ol’ junky blender). I’m just waiting for the pears to ripen, so I can make rainbow chard + pears + water + ice smoothie. One of my student’s moms said that was a good combination to start with. I’m excited. I can’t, for the life of me, ever remember eating rainbow chard (and I didn’t realize it was pronounced with an “sh” rather than the common “ch” sound). I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in a pork chop + ice burg lettuce salad + mashed potatoes kind of family (no offense, Mom).

In the meantime, I’ve been eating a shredded wheat cereal + bananas for breakfast every day. I find that eating a lot of fiber for breakfast really helps keep my system regular. The cereal is Barbara’s Bakery Shredded Wheat. I love it because this is the ingredient list:

  1. 100% Whole Wheat

That’s it. Seriously. I know that health benefits of eating wheat are debatable, but my body really does well with fiber in that form. And it has zero grams of sugar (which is why I try to get a small piece of banana in every bite).

I’m looking forward to making the switch to green smoothies for breakfast sometime soon, but in the meantime, this cereal is super-easy and satisfying.

What are you eating for breakfast these days?


  • Jennie

    I just started experimenting with green smoothies as well. A friend who teaches courses in raw (un)cooking recommended that I use any combo of fruits and greens as long as it's 60% greens, 40% fruit with some water or ice. I usually make sure to include a banana (or half of one) to get a nice texture (and also because the flavour is strong and kinda overpowers the greens… which is good because I'm not fond of the taste of them).

    My green smoothies usually end up looking a little more purplish-brown than green though.

  • AZ

    And it can definitely be pronounced chard with a "ch" as well! (according to the dictionary and lots of farmer friends around these parts who really know their vegetables). So you're in the clear! (Although I haven't done much with chard in the way of smoothies, I eat it all the time, either sauteed on its own, or baked into enchiladas, lasagnas, quiches, or anything else you'd use spinach or kale in).

  • fresh365

    I just started eating green smoothies, but have been sticking to the kale, soy milk, yogurt, berries & banana combo. pretty good! on a normal day, I eat a granola bar in the car though…

  • Andrew and Cara

    I've always been a cereal junkie, always consuming Cheerios or Corn Flakes with a banana. However, a few weeks ago I switched over to mixing Tillamook yogurt with a handful of granola, 7-8 raw almonds, and a few diced berries to satiate my hunger in the morning. It keeps me full until lunch and I don't feel the need to snack in the later morning hours. On the weekends, the hubs likes to make homemade waffles or pancakes, or the occasional frozen fruit and spinach smoothie, with a little oj.

  • cait

    my go-to "no fail" green smoothie is two BIG handfuls of baby spinach (amazing for blending), a frozen banana and a cup and a 1/4 of milk (soy, almond, cow) and 3-4 ice cubes.

    it's deeeeeee-lish! And I feel sooo awesome about DRINKING veggies for breakfast!

    Tastes like spring 🙂

  • Anonymous

    i agree with cait – i like to use vanilla almond milk for some extra flava. i usually use 1 cup of liquid so i can drink it up easier – and it's true, you really don't taste the spinach! it's a great way to use up bananas that are getting too ripe as well as work through a big bag of spinach before it goes bad:)

  • "T-Bone" Lee

    I am a huge breakfast person…and a HUGE cereal person. I would eat it for every meal if I thought it was a realistic option. At any given time I have about 5 boxes of cereal in my cabinet that I mix into one bowl in various combinations. They're all high fiber, low fat (not all as low in sugar as I would like, but I use those sparingly). I have to start my day with a lot of fiber or I feel funny the rest of the day….

    and when I am not running crazy late for work I have a fresh juicer (god I love my juicer)…today was beet, carrot, spinach and cuties….yum! I also like beet, carrot, apple…with maybe some cucumber or spinach….or spinach lemonade! Yum!

  • "T-Bone" Lee

    Oooh! Also an amazing breakfast option that is basically like the perfect food. I make up a batch of Quinoa using milk instead of water (could use vanilla soy milk for extra flavor!) and add cinnamon and nutmeg and some stevia (to sweeten without adding calories). Then I toast up some sliced almonds, throw in some dried goji berries (or dried blueberries, but goji berries are a super food). Seriously an amazing way to start the day.

  • Cécy

    I usually have a cup of tea and two slices of homemade bread with butter.
    When I run and work later in the day it's one slide of bread with an egg and a bit of cheese.
    The smoothie ideas veggie+fruits sound interesting, I'll have to try sometimes.

  • Kelsey

    Look for Uncle Sam cereal! We also love the Barbara's brand. Uncle Sam is another one of those that has crazy low sugar and only good and wholesome ingredients including flax. It has amazing amounts of fiber too! It's yummy with fruit!

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