
Photography Passions

Photo courtesy of Bob Krist for National Geographic

I’ve been taking next steps to fulfill my wish to become a better photographer. I e-mailed some of my favorite bloggers to find out about their equipment preferences (and read about some others’ preferences). It’s pretty much a toss up between Nikon and Canon. Matt and I are letting a little more savings accumulate in our bank account before we take the plunge.

In the meantime, I signed up for two photography classes. The first one is expensive ($200!) but I couldn’t resist. It’s taught by two dudes who take photos for National Geographic. And it’s a class about travel photography, so it addresses all sorts of information ranging from how to do close-ups to night photography. Here’s an excerpt from the description:

Great travel photography requires a command of many types of photography – from close-up portraits and loose candids, to off-the-hip street photography at festivals and celebrations – from architecture and cityscapes, to landscapes and nature. Becoming versatile requires that you become like a one-man band, utilizing what technology has to offer while developing an eye for composition and a feel for being in the right place at the right time. Join National Geographic Traveler photographers Ralph Lee Hopkins and Bob Krist as they share their secrets and insights into how to make travel photos that convey a powerful sense of place and capture rare moments. Learn simple tricks for using flash to expand when, where, and how you shoot, as well as collecting audio so you can produce multi-media slide shows of your work.

I also signed up for a basic introduction to using an SLR camera. The woman takes photos for the Houston Chronicle, so I’m excited to learn from her experience.

It feels really good to be taking concrete steps toward pursuing one of my new hobbies. I’m being careful not to add too many things to my calendar (I am serious about de-stressing!). I held off until June for one of the classes (since I’ll be on summer vacation by then). However, the National Geographic photographers are only traveling through H-town in May.

What new/old hobbies are you pursuing (or thinking about pursuing)?


  • Mallory

    Your blog(s) have really inspired me to improve my sewing skills. My mom taught me a lot of sewing basics as a kid but I don't think I've sewn anything since middle school. Plus it worked out that she wants to buy a more advanced sewing machine so she's going to GIVE me hers! I have to wait until June when I'm driving home and will pick it up then, but I fully intend on trying some of your crafty ideas you talk about. Do you have any suggetions for good sewing sites/blogs that are pretty basic?

  • Roxanne

    I've been really inspiried the last few monthes to try new things!

    I learned how to sew in January and a month or two ago I started taking a dance class. I love it! I was really scared to do a dance class, but I really wanted to. Totally worth it.

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