
Another E-Course

I’m thinking about signing up for another e-course. This one is about how to grow your creative business. The artist who runs it, Kelly Rae, looks super-cool. I don’t really consider my blogs to be a “creative business”, but it would be lovely to meet more kindred spirits online. The cost is $99 for five weeks. The timing would work perfectly, since it starts a couple days after school gets out for the summer and ends before Matt and I leave for our summer vacation. Ya-hoo!

Here’s what the course topics are:

* Weeks one and two will focus on creating an effective online presence via blogs, websites, social networking, and more. We’ll talk specifically about the ins and outs of these resources including how to create, how to improve, and the secret ingredients to using them effectively. We also talk about networking and the importance of creating community and how to build long lasting creative allies. We’ll discuss all the fears that we’ll inevitably come up against as we push the boundaries of our horizons and how to effectively push through them.
* Weeks three and four will focus on selling strategies (both online and offline). I’ll give specific strategies for selling on etsy and other online marketplaces. We’ll discuss effective ways of styling, photographing, packaging, and pricing our products and/or services. We’ll also focus on a number of effective marketing strategies to get the word out about our businesses, including print media, newsletters, advertising, blogging, and more. We’ll also discuss in detail all the ins and out of getting press and getting published. Finally, we’ll discuss the actualizing of goals, creating schedules, and time management.
* Week five will focus on recharging our souls, handling competition as well as overwhelm and burnout. We’ll talk about creating other creative ways of income such as teaching, licensing, blog sponsorships, affiliate programs, and more. We’ll discuss an overview of taxes, money, and when it’s time to ask for help (interns, etc). We’ll also discuss organizing simple yet effective bookkeeping strategies when it comes to cataloging our income/expenses (so important when tax time comes around). Finally, we’ll wrap up what we’ve learned together and celebrate taking flight into our creative dreams!


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