
Flash Mobs?

Apparently I am not up on my pop culture (no surprise there) because I am just now learning what the heck a “flash mob” is.

I so desperately want to be part of one of these. Is anyone planning one any time soon?


  • Anonymous

    OMG! This is so cool. I totally would have jumped in if I saw this. Can you post something if you hear of one because I totally want to be a part of it too if it's anywhere close to where I live (Hawaii). =)

  • Katie

    One of my friends plans a flash mob every few months, but sadly, that's in Ohio.

    It can be really easy to pull off, though. Once she just put up a sign that said, "Pillow Fight on College Green" with the day and time. We met up there with our pillows and had a blast.

  • Anonymous

    they recently did one at ohio state to the glee version of don't stop believin! it was pretty cool! you should coordinate one with your students for recess time – that would be pretty sweet:)

  • jacqueline

    This is the 5th time im watching this and it always make me smile! 🙂 My favorite song! 🙂 Too bad when i was at central station Antwerp last winter nothing of this kind happended. hehe So happy to meet you on flying lessons! Looking forward to connect with you more!. 🙂 Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

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