
Announcement: New Online Course About Purposeful Conception

Are you thinking about getting pregnant or are you already actively trying? Welcome to Purposeful Conception! This course is for all of us.

The idea is simple: bringing a baby into the world is both an overwhelming joy and a life-changing commitment. When we approach conception with intention and purpose, we create a welcoming and prepared space for children in our lives.

This online course will help us position our minds, bodies, and lives for pregnancy. Over the course of five weeks, a new lesson will be uploaded each weekday. The lessons will address a whole host of topics, such as preparing your body through solid nutrition and exercise, finding balance between what you can and cannot control, making space in your life for pregnancy, deciding whether to track your cycle, building a solid partnership as a foundation for your future family, and much, much more. As a participant in the course, you’ll receive information, tips, reflection exercises and prompts, access to video interviews, and a community of like-minded kindred spirits who are on a journey similar to your own.

Interested in learning more? Visit the Course Overview or About the Author. Already prepared to join the community? Registration begins on Thursday, July 1. Spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and will be limited to the first 100 participants. The total cost is $99, and the course will begin on August 1, 2010. In the meantime, feel free to sign up for a reminder registration e-mail.

Also, you can easily share this announcement with others by clicking on any of the buttons at the end of this post.

Finally, you could download a button (by clicking on the code below) and add it to your own blog!

Happy Thursday!



  • Elizabeth

    This looks so wonderful! I've been looking for ways to join you in your amazing journey of preparation… unfortunately, as an unemployed ex-law student taking the bar this summer I have zero dollars. I know this is how you make your living, but any chance you'll be giving away a course or have scholarships available?

  • Elsa

    Sara, this is so awesome! What a great idea. I'm so excited to take the course. Everything looks great, you're doing a fantastic job!

  • saracotner

    Hi Elizabeth! I'm going to host giveaways on multiple blogs, and I'll be sure to link to them every time so you can find them.

    I debated a lot about whether or not to charge. I benefit every day from the generosity of others on the internet. People share so, so much!

    However, once I started planning the course (creating content maps, researching various technology options, designing the site, etc.), I realized that it was going to take not only hours and hours or days and days but weeks and weeks. I already spend a lot of time generating free content via my three blogs (with little to no financial reward–expect for the Amazon Affiliates program), and I realized that I have to try and make some money (we have so much that we're saving for). I hope that makes sense!

    @ Elsa: Thank you for your words of encouragement! It means a lot…

  • Amy

    How long does the course run? Do you know at this point if you will offer it again at a later date? I'm engaged and we probably won't have kids for a few years, but your goals are in line with mine for when we start trying to conceive.

  • saracotner

    Hi Amy: The course is five weeks. I'm not sure if I'll offer it again (it depends on how well it goes over the first time!). But I'll definitely keep everyone updated on this site. Thanks for your interest, Amy! I am having so much fun working on it.

  • Laura

    Thank you for answering my question. Sorry for the anonymous comment. I promise that I know how to use the internet! 🙂

    I have more questions! In what way is it an LGBT friendly course? Is the language inclusive? Is the community moderated? Will homophobic remarks be allowed in the context of free speech? Or will it be a safe space for everyone?

    And are only people who will be giving birth to a child welcome in the community? Or are people who are interested in learning about the process and supporting their partners welcome?

    Thank you!

  • saracotner

    @ Laura: No worries about the anonymous comment!

    Thank you for pushing me with the LGBT-friendliness questions. Creating an inclusive and welcoming space is very important to me, so I especially appreciate your questions.

    To answer them: First, the language is definitely inclusive, and I will try not to make any assumptions about how couples are going about conceiving their babies. There will be one specific lesson about trying to conceive through intercourse. The course is very personal, since my goal is to share this journey with others, so there will inevitably be a heterosexually-bent perspective. However, I see conception as a very holistic process, and there should be lots of relevant information for LGBT couples about the emotional, financial, nutritional, relational, etc. aspects of conception. The course is not designed to explicitly address the aspects of conception that are unique to LGBT couples. However, we can create discussion topics in the Community Forum area to discuss them for sure.

    Secondly, I didn't anticipate any hate speech in the community forum because I imagined that the course would only draw like-minded individuals (and the $99 fee would ensure that everyone was truly committed to the ideas of the course). However, when I share the directions for using the community forum, I will be sure to establish parameters around creating a safe and welcoming environment. I will moderate the discussion, if this becomes a problem.

    In terms of your last question: If you register for the course, you are welcome to share your private login information with your partner without paying any additional registration. Anyone who wants this option for their partners can let me know in the "additional notes" section of their paypal registration, and I can be sure to send him/her an individual invitation to join the community forum area.

    If you have more questions, please ask them! I genuinely appreciate your interest.

    Thanks, Laura,


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