
Potluck Brainstorm

I’m going to a potluck tomorrow, and I’m at a loss for what I should bring. I really want to bring something unhealthy, like cupcakes. I have such a sweet tooth! My default is always to bring something unhealthy. I want to get out of that habit! (Oh, man, I could even make cupcakes in a jar! How perfect would that be for a picnic potluck?!?)

Hmm…maybe I could bring fruit kabobs. Or I could do a whole wheat pasta with tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, and balsamic vinegar.

Maybe I could bring something healthy and bring the cupcakes (but not eat them)? Okay, who am I kidding, that would never work. Not only would I eat them at the potluck, I would also eat the batter and then eat them when the first came out of the oven. I really have no self-control when it comes to sweets.


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