
DIY: Chalkboard Window

I finally finished my chalkboard window project. Egad!

Well, it’s not really finished, but I did make significant progress.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Found a cheap old window from an antique store.
  2. Cleaned said mirror outside on the grass.
  3. Put masking tape around the inside edges to prevent the paint from getting on the outside frame.
  4. Painted a couple coats with magnetic paint.
  5. Painted a couple coats with chalkboard paint.
  6. Took the finished product to Hobby Lobby and asked them to attach picture hanging hardware (which they did for free!).
  7. Hung window on wall. Voila!
It’s not done yet because I would like to attach a little ledge for an eraser and chalk, but I haven’t found a good one yet.

My inspiration

Ribbon-on-Your-Finger Reminder: My Purposeful Conception e-course starts Sunday, August 1. Registration is open to the first 100 participants. Join us for five weeks of information, tips, reflection exercises and prompts, access to interviews, and a community of like-minded kindred spirits who are consciously preparing their minds, bodies, and lives for pregnancy.


  • Delilah

    Wow that's really cool! The picture you got your inspiration looks like they used a rack from Ikea to attach to the bottom! I think I might give this one a try as well…

  • Cécy

    So why use a mirror instead of a plain piece of wood or something?
    Ditto with Deliah, I was going to say that Ikea has little racks like that which you can find in the kitchen section. They have all sort of lenght and accessories that come with it.
    Or if you want to make it simple you could put two hooks at the bottom of the frame and either: hang things directly on it, or add a stick or tube of some sort.

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