Pregnancy Project Plan
I think it’s so easy focus on learning about the immediate stage you’re in and lose sight of the fact that by the time you’re in the next stage, there isn’t enough time to learn everything you need to know for that stage.
I’ve been trying to stay one step ahead (learn about conception before trying to conceive; learn about pregnancy while trying to conceive; learn about post-partum infant care while pregnant), but it’s hard. I find myself wanting to nap all the time during the first trimester. When I’m awake, I have other work I need to get done.
I’m feeling a project plan coming on. I can’t help it. Planning makes me feel better. I know I need to be careful not to overdo it. Pregnancy is a time for rest and reflection, not a time to be an overly-ambitious doing-machine. But when I feel overwhelmed by how much I have to learn or do, it helps me to spread it out over all the available time I have. Let’s see:
- Prepare to present a workshop at a conference in September
- Organize our office
- Finish learning all I can about pregnancy
- Relax and rest
- Work on Halloween costume
- Organize the bedroom
- Learn about taking care of an infant (breastfeeding, sleeping, bathing)
- Relax and rest
- Plan Matt’s birthday present
- Organize the kitchen
- Make holiday decorations
- Continue learning about taking care of an infant
- Relax and rest
- Buy holiday presents
- Organize the living room
- Develop plan for baby’s room
- Learn about giving birth
- Relax and rest
- Put up a tree
- Organize the dining room
- Start getting stuff for baby’s room (including all necessary baby items)
- Continue learning about giving birth
- Start making stuff for the baby
- Relax and rest
- Organize the bathroom
- Ask Matt to clean out attic
- Put together baby’s room
- Continue learning about giving birth
- Continue making stuff for the baby
- Find a housekeeper for the next couple months
- Relax and rest
- Rest and center myself
- Continue making stuff for the baby
Phew! That list seriously makes me feel better. Each month has a digestible amount of stuff.
Please tell me what items are missing from my to-do list!
————————————-P.S. You can head over to 2000 Dollar Wedding to enter to win a free spot in my upcoming Purposeful Conception course!
hey sara–
you have a good list! and it doesn't seem overly full. 🙂
i was really tired too for the first 12 weeks! i am a drama teacher and was in the midst of the spring musical for the school at that time. i would come home, try to have dinner (when my tummy would let me), and then pretty much go to bed. making a baby is a lot of work! but at about 13 weeks, it all started to go away. and now that we're at 21–i feel really good! and i find i want to be productive now and get projects done around the house. it's good! and super enjoyable!
i am really enjoying learning about labor and delivery right now. my husband and i are reading through the book, "the birth partner" by penny simkin. i came across it through another blog. it's a big book, but chad is finding it interesting and asking lots of good questions.
anyway–i hope you feel good throughout! thanks for sharing your journey!
mandy 🙂
Just Another Texas Momma
I'm a momma to a 2 yr-old and expecting #2, I'd move rest and relax to #1 on your list of things to do! Once your a momma, it will somehow find its way back to the bottom of your list 😉
And, as someone who ready almost every preggo and baby book around, with all their conflicting advice and information; at the end of the day, you just have to trust your instincts, because your labor & delivery will be unique, your baby is unique and your family is unique, and any one of the "experts" whose books you read doesn't live with you or know you.
Motherhood is the best, hardest thing I've ever done; you'll love it! Congratulations!!!
I'm not a mommy yet, but I've heard from girlfriends that researching which baby accessories/essentials to by is a long and complicated process, especially if you want to register at a big box store for baby shower items.