
Baby Book

I’ve written my second letter to our baby (you can read the first one here). I think we’re going to make a Baby Book the same way we make our own living, growing scrapbook. It’s so low-pressure, and it’s easy to keep up with. Our living, growing scrapbook was initially inspired by these words from Amy at Progressive Pioneer (talking about her own baby book):

I’ve tried to be diligent about recording Sam’s life from the beginning. I decided early on that the most important thing was to simply record the important things, not to have a perfect, charming-looking album. I knew if there was too much pressure about how it looked that it would never get done. But if I could just jot things down here and there, there was a much better chance that in twenty years Sam would have something to look back on.

We simply tape pictures to white cardstock using double-sided tape, write words directly on the page, slide it into a sheet protector, and put everything in a binder.

One of these days, I might flip through an actual baby book and get some ideas about what kind of information is usually included. It would be pretty easy to type up some questions and print it directly on the cardstock that we’re already using. The adorable folks over at Young House Love did something similar (but mine would definitely be a much simpler version!). I think I’ll go add that to my pregnancy project plan now…


  • bklyn76

    i really need to get on this *memory saving* stuff! 😉 i have these grandiose ideas that don't always pan out and then i lose steam.

    thanks for the yhl link…i don't follow them regularly but LOVE the photoshopped onesie idea…wish i knew about it back when my bean was just wee. 🙂

  • lovelymorning

    Congrats Sara! I've been such a slacker in the reading blogs dept that I just realized you are pregnant!

    Can't wait to hear your updates and if you have any questions, I'm always here!

    PS. We registered on BabyEarth.com and it was pretty great. They have all sorts of good stuff.

  • Lisa

    The baby book sounds like a great idea. I've also had success with using "project savers"–basically sturdy envelopes at least the size of the pages that go in your scrapbook. I keep the finished pages in these until I have time to assemble the book (especially if I'm doing pages out of order). I also keep ones for ongoing projects–its easy to slip relevant documents, photos, etc. into a folder/project saver and have it ready to go when I have time for a night of scrapbooking (also its nice and portable if you have a craft night with a friend). My store bought ones are made of plastic but I've seen them done in oil cloth too.

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