
Wart Removal

I seem to have a wart developing on my hand. It’s the first one I’ve had since sixth grade. I did a quick google search for natural remedies, and I read about using Apple Cider Vinegar. Apparently, you apply it to a cotton ball and attach it to the affected area with a band-aid twice a day.

It’s definitely worth giving it a shot. We’ll see what happens!


  • Annie

    Warts are a mystery to me. I had warts on my feet for YEARS and tried everything: from cryotherapy at the dermatologists' to plants, homemade brews, incantations and small surgery! In the last case, the warts would simply grow back; bigger and faster.

    Then one winter, I took a trip to Sri Lanka and within a week, the ginormous wart under my big toe dried, shrivelled up, and fell into the sea leaving pink, perfect skin underneath.

    I've never had more any since. I hope the vinegar helps but in my case, I still don't understand the "mecanics" of these peculiar spots!

  • Sharpiegirl

    I had one that was growing next to my nail, nothing worked, they finally had to burn it and about half of my nail off but it got the little sucker.
    My dermatologist said there are different types of warts you can get them if you are overly stressed some are even caused by a virus. She even had patients that would talk to them and will their body to take them away and it worked.
    Every now and then I'll get a little one but they don't stay for long. I start thinking I'll have to go back and have it removed and then they will go away on their own. Crazy.

  • Anonymous

    I have a natural wart remedy that works wonders – some of the time. It's definitely worth a shot. As a kid, my brother had warts all over his fingers. It was awful – they would crack and were quite painful. Anyways, doctors tried everything and finally one shook his head and told my mom to try this because sometimes it works:

    Cut a potato so that the inside slick juicy part is exposed and rub that on your wart. Repeat daily until the wart disappears. This cleared up all my brother's warts when nothing else would.

  • Moxie

    There are books written about the wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar–while I haven't heard about its ability to help get rid of warts, my family has been believers of its medicinal value for years! I hope it works for you!

  • Mindy

    I just had to comment on this one! Apple cider vinegar is the ONLY thing that has every worked for me and it works great. It will throb or hurt a little depending on the size ( your looks small so shouldn't hurt much) but it will work. I love love love homeopathic remedies!

  • Patrice Britt

    Typical warts are available anywhere within the entire system, however, are common in both palms, palms elbows, forearms, knees, experience, and also your skin round your claws. Apple cider vinegar is also an extremely renowned home cure for most skin ailments due to its normal anti-fungal qualities. Set on a cotton ball and then rub on the wart. Protect with a bandage. This remedy could eliminate the issue in 2 weeks.Although you should try wart removal, you can get more home remedies to get rid of warts of any kind.

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