
Cookie Party

Matt and I attended a fun birthday party this past weekend. The theme was “Cookies and Beer.”

As a person who is sixteen weeks pregnant, I am neither partaking in sugar nor beer, but I wanted to go nonetheless. (Did I mention that Matt is also not eating sugar in my presence, out of solidarity?)

I decided that I would make ice-cream cookie sandwiches as my contribution to the party, while Matt took a different route and opted to make cookies without sugar. I was skeptical, but, fortunately, he proved me wrong. He used mashed up bananas, butter, soy milk, dried cherries, oatmeal, sundry spices, and sunflower seeds (following this recipe) to make a pretty decent “cookie.” They definitely can’t compete with a good ol’ sugar-laden cookie, but they were definitely a nice treat nonetheless. The dried cherries made all the difference.

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