
Halloween Costume

Make your own disco ball costume

So far, I’ve managed to stick to my pregnancy project plan. It helps me feel like there’s plenty of time to get everything done.

One of the things I have to accomplish this month is my Halloween costume. I know it seems early, but the fall holidays come really fast (in my humble opinion), and I don’t usually give myself adequate time to prepare for them without stressing myself out.

Based on your feedback, I’ve decided to pursue the “crystal ball reader” idea, since I will probably have a nice round belly ball by October 31. (For the record, I almost went with the gumball idea.) And, even now, I’m starting to have second thoughts. Should I be a disco ball, like the photo pictured above?

I guess not. After looking at the picture again, I think the oversized ball is much more dramatic and fun. Maybe I’ll table this idea for next year. Perhaps the baby could be a go-go dancer for its first Halloween?

So, back to my crystal ball reader concept. I brainstormed these ideas in my notebook:

Basically, I’ll make my own turban, make some sort of pendant to put on the turban (probably with feathers and a vintage pin), wear fake eyelashes, alter some sort of short top from the Goodwill, wrap my belly in some sort of fabric that looks like I think a crystal ball might look (um, I have no idea!), sport lots of bangle bracelets, and then make a maternity skirt out of some kind of moon/star fabric or something.

And I need to make fortunes. The last time I made fortunes was for a Teach For America holiday party when I was teaching in rural Louisiana several years ago. I made fortune cookies from scratch and filled them with Teach For America fortunes (I basically copied common TFA phrases–like “Relentless Pursuit”–and added “in bed” to them). When I ran out of those, I started quoting my favorite poetry. I love this poem from William Carlos Williams and quoted this line on a fortune: “I am lonely, lonely. I was born to be lonely, I am best so!”

A woman at the party opened the cookie, read her fortune, and burst into tears.

Perhaps I need to be a little more careful this time…

Any ideas?


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