
Our Baby Is a…

Baby – Ultrasound – Intro from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on Vimeo

Baby – Ultrasound – Session from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on Vimeo

Baby – Hoss – Brother Announcement from Sara Matthew Hoss Hop-sing Clem on VimeoWe’re having a boy! We went for our first ultrasound (see the second video), and apparently our little Coconut has a “Texas-sized penis.” Um, okay…We were ecstatic to get our first glimpse inside my uterus. Honestly, I was expecting it to be a boy (for somewhat unscientific reasons). First, I didn’t have much morning sickness. Second, our baby’s heart usually registers on the lower end of the scale. And, third, my body is staying pretty much the same, except for my expanding basketball-belly.
Of course, there’s pretty much a 50/50 chance of guessing right, so it’s not exactly some psychic feat…Before I was pregnant, I always wanted a girl. After I got pregnant, I honestly didn’t care either way. In a super-shallow way, I’m a little disappointed that I won’t get to sew a bunch of summer dresses, but I’m eager to try and raise a sensitive, caring, and passionate male. It helps that two of my favorite bloggers, Kristina and Meg, are busy raising some of the cutest boy babies I’ve ever seen. Our household will officially balance out: Matt + Hoss + Coconut = Boys; Me + Hop-Sing + Clem = Girls (I’m joking about this, but the thought did occur to me, so I thought I would share).
I’ve been having some anxiety around various things (both my belly and breasts have gotten significantly smaller this past week; the ultrasound couldn’t detect a gallbladder, which can be pretty serious; and our baby’s head looks very weird in some of the ultrasound pictures). I have another appointment with my midwife in about a week, so in the meantime, I’m just trying to remind myself that this kind of anxiety is common but that the most important thing to do is relax. I’m also trying to remind myself that we will be able to deal with whatever issues come our way.
Other than that, I’m still thoroughly enjoying the second trimester. I’m officially 19 weeks pregnant today!


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