
October: Reflection & Rejuvenation

Image courtesy the Nikki McClure calendar

September has come and gone. It seems so short and long simultaneously. Matt and I traveled to Indiana for a wedding at the beginning of the month, and that seems so long ago. However, I barely had time to accomplish everything on my to-do list this month. Now that I’m looking back over my calendar, I realize why! I was only home for one weekend this month. Egad!

Here are the intentions I set for myself at the beginning of the month:

  • Work on Halloween costume: Yes! My crystal-ball reader (with my pregnant belly as the ball) is almost finished. I’m done with the skirt, the shirt, the turban, and most of the jewelry. I just need to sew the fabric that will wrap around my belly (which I can’t do until Halloween gets closer), and I need to borrow some bangles from someone. That’s it!
  • Organize the bedroom: I tried to work on it this weekend (which was technically October), but we really need to get a new bookshelf for storage in the closet first. I dragged Matt to IKEA and we bought a bookshelf, but it turned out to be the wrong size. I started working on the kitchen instead.
  • Learn about taking care of an infant (breastfeeding, sleeping, bathing): Yes! I’ve been working on this whenever I have some time to relax before bed.
  • Attend a conference for public Montessori teachers: Yep! My presentation went well.
  • Travel to Indiana for an awesome wedding: Hooray!
  • Work on birth announcements: Yep. I started the collage in Snapfish, bought the labels, started the Excel sheet for all the addresses, and did the graphic design for the label.
  • Relax and rest: Yes! I’ve done a really good job of walking for nearly an hour and taking a nap for nearly an hour almost every single day. I’m trying to make plenty of room in my life for my pregnancy.

What’s on the docket for October?

  • Organize the bedroom
  • Learn about infancy
  • Complete holiday decorations
  • Make Matt’s birthday present
  • Travel to Dallas to make a presentation about Montessori
  • Travel to the Austin area to watch Matt run a marathon
  • Hire a doula
  • Keep adding to baby registry
  • Spruce up our front porch
  • Execute the second Purposeful Conception Course
  • Buy a new desk
  • Relax and rest

This month, I’m going to plot these things out on my calendar right now. I felt like I saved everything until the end last time!

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