
My Beloved’s Birthday

Matt’s birthday is today, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do for him. I was going to get really creative and crafty and make him a personalized version of SET, a game we both really like. The three shapes that repeat throughout the cards were going to be a bloodhound, a chicken, and a baby.

However, the thought of trying to work with a graphics program to execute my vision started to overwhelm me. I’m trying to simplify my life these days…

So I opted for books instead. Since our dream is to move to Austin someday, I bought him two Austin-related books: Backroads of the Texas Hill Country and Keep Austin Weird. I also decided to make him a bumper sticker with a picture of Hoss that reads “Hoss Fan Club,” using Snapfish. I decided to make that gift from Hoss. Luckily, I also bought a funny roll of cowboy packing tape a while back, so I gave Matt that gift from Coconut (since Coconut is the only real Texan in our family).

For his birthday party, Matt planned a scavenger hunt at IKEA. He’s a crazy boy, for sure. I promise to write another post soon that is entirely devoted to the IKEA scavenger hunt.

My best friend flew in from Florida for Thanksgiving (Matt went to Indiana to be with his family), and we’re going to spend our vacation working on writing projects. Since I want to devote all my energy to a 2000 Dollar Wedding project I’m working on, I won’t have much mental capacity left to write over here for a few days. But I promise to be back next Monday!

To those of you who live in the United States: Happy Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for so many things in my life, and this space to connect with kindred spirits is one of the things I’m thankful for!


  • Married In Chicago

    Sounds like so much fun! I hope you enjoyed your thanksgiving break! I'm curious – how do you negotiate holiday/family time between you and Matt? I hope that isn't too personal to ask! I'm just wondering – if I chose to spend thanksgiving at home instead of with his family (or if he chose to spend it at home instead of with my family), I think there would be a lot of hurt feelings! I'd love to hear about how you navigate what can be a sticky situation!

  • saracotner

    Hi, Married in Chicago: Great question! (Just for the record, I really can't think of anything that would be too personal to answer.) I'll go ahead and write a whole post about it over at 2000 Dollar Wedding next week. Stay tuned (and thanks for the idea!). Happy Monday, s.

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