DVD Review: Laugh and Learn About Breast Feeding
Initially, I wasn’t going to put the movie into my queue because of the cover, but the description sounded useful. I’m so glad I did! It was like taking a real breast feeding course for free (I even practiced along by using a sock monkey as my pretend baby).
I’m convinced that each of us needs to prepare for the birth of our children in whatever way builds our confidence and our excitement. For me, I very much enjoy learning as much as I can from books and movies. Of course I will learn so much more by actually going through the experience, but getting a baseline of information helps me feel more ready as I head into parenthood (even when different sources contradict each other). Honestly, I think confidence is half the battle, so whatever we each need to do to build our confidence, we should do it!
I’ll include the notes I took from the video below, in case they’re helpful:
- Use a small pillow for back support.
- If baby is swaddled, unwrap him/her first. Swaddling signals sleep.
- It’s easier to start with regular bed pillows rather than specialized nursing pillows when your stomach is still large and you need to get the baby close.
- Cross-Cradle Position: Right hand holds the baby’s neck (as if you were holding the baby out it front of you by the neck). Baby’s mouth goes to left breast. Left hand also goes to breast.
- Nose and chin should be right up against the breast. If the nose and chin are not right up against the breast, the baby is too far away and it will cause problems. Don’t worry about the baby being able to breathe (that’s why they have “pug noses”!).
- Football Position: Still need a pillow behind you to push you far enough forward that the baby has room for its feet. Second pillow goes on the side (regular bed pillow are your friend when it comes to breastfeeding!). Left hand supports the baby’s neck (same as first position) and you bring the baby to the left breast. This position is particularly good post-c-section. Also, this position can be modified for babies that have reflux. Instead of coming at the breast around the side, they can come around and then sit up so that they latch onto the breast with their head in an upright position.
- Sideline Position: Right arm cradles baby as s/he sucks at the right breast and lies on the bed.
- Put finger in mouth and pull jaw down to de-latch a baby (when a baby is latched on, it feels like a “vacuum cleaner”).
- A baby should be finished burping in 2-3 minutes. To burp them, cover your hand/arm with a burp cloth and use that hand to hold them at the jaw line (with the baby sitting on your lap). Use the other hand to pat and rub the baby loud enough so your partner can hear it across the room. Other strategy is to hold the baby up high on the shoulder (which puts pressure on the gas in the stomach).
- Nurse every 2-3 hours from start to start; 10-15 minutes per side.
- Day One = 1 poop, 1 pee
- Day Two = 2 poops, 2 pees
- Day Three = 3 poops, 3 pees
- Once milk starts to come in, the guideline is 6 pees and 3 poops.
- If the baby is extra sleepy in the first 24-48 hours and you need to wake it, you can hold it under the arms and move it from side to side like a pendulum. To keep a baby awake while breast-feeding, you can nudge it under the chin.
- Consider putting one pinky-sized portion of Lansolin on each nipple once a day to prevent dryness. Also, try to give your breasts as much air and light as possible. You can also cope with sore nipples by soaking them in bowls of salt water or putting tea bags on them. Expect sore nipples for about two weeks.
- Coping with Engorgement: 15 minutes of warm-wet (washcloths, shower, etc.), 15 minutes of nursing on each side, and 15 minutes of ice pack (or a frozen green cabbage leaf). Engorgement last for about 48-hours.
- Most women need to eat about 3,000 calories a day.
- Pump right after a feeding (pump the first three feedings to make enough for a partner to feed the baby at night).
- In the fridge = 5-7 days
- In the freezer = 3-6 months
- Best time to by a bra is in the 36th or 37th week of pregnancy.
Also, in case you’re interested, here’s the link to all my notes: Basic Infant Care.
———————————————-REMINDER: Registration is now open for the next Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy, which starts on January 2. Register today!
i love the notes you have taken from the books! I have just 6 weeks left, and have yet to actually make a "cheat sheet" of what i have learned from books! I have read happiest baby on the block and the womanly art of breastfeeding but i have not read or seen the other two. The laugh and learn about breastfeeding sounding very informative. I am queuing it up right now!
all of the notes you took are great! our little boy is just two weeks old and everything you wrote down is right on! 🙂
I saw this website and thought of your blog – it seems like a great way to estimate the costs of a child!
Hope it comes with some use!
Holy crap. A newborn needs to pee more than once a day even the first day—-dehydration increases the likelihood and severity of jaundice!
Wet dipes once every couple hours for a newborn is more like it.
read up about dealing with tongue thrust. It took DAYS to get my best friend and her baby on track because he kept doing a tongue thrust when he would go to feed. She finally broke down and called a consultant and that helped tons!