
May: Reflection & Rejuvenation

I look forward to this monthly ritual of reflection. I am much more likely to follow-through with my intentions when I have this system in place for holding myself accountable.

Let’s see how I did last month:

  • Savor my time with my son, Henry, despite the difficult parts: Yes! We are having lots of fun. We have weekly play dates with friends and this month we are going to start swimming!
  • Send printed photos to the grandparents, like I promised to do every month for their Christmas presents last year: I’m going to go do this right now, and then come back to finish this post…okay, DONE!
  • Study Spanish for 20 minutes every weekday (I do this while breast feeding): I did a great job for most of the month, but I’ve been slacking off at the end. Must re-commit to this!
  • Attend a Montessori class twice a week with Henry and learn as much as I can: Yes!
  • Actively participate in the Purposeful Conception community: Yep.
  • Make a great dish and present for my good friend’s Potluck Picnic Birthday Party: Yep.
  • Continue to strengthen my partnership with Matt through each interaction and passing day: Pretty good job!
  • Figure out how to pump and store breast milk: Yes!
  • Go on a date night with Matt: Oops. I forgot about this one…
  • Continue to meet up with other new mothers frequently: Yes! Every single week.
  • Take time to be by myself and go on outings: Yep!
  • Nap! Nap! Nap!: As much as I can…
  • Send birthday cards to my friends/family: For the most part…
  • Start going to yoga once a week and running twice a week (when my midwife clears me): I have signed up for a class that starts this week. As for the running, my midwife explained that running isn’t so good on the joints while breast feeding. I’m fine sticking to walking for now.
  • Finalize my book outline: Hmm…I’ve made progress, but it’s definitely not finished.

For this upcoming month, I’m feeling the need to be gentle with myself. I can feel my ambitions starting to overshadow my abilities at the moment. Being my child’s first teacher is a huge job! Plus, I’m keeping two blogs going and running an online course. I should consider those among my intentions:

  • Be the best mother and teacher I can be for my son, Henry
  • Maintain consistent posting on my two blogs
  • Advertise for the next Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy
  • Send printed photos to the grandparents, like I promised to do every month for their Christmas presents last year
  • Study Spanish for 20 minutes every weekday (I do this while breast feeding)
  • Attend a Montessori class twice a week with Henry and learn as much as I can
  • Plan a fun potluck picnic for the next silent film at Discovery Green
  • Plan a reunion for my childbirth class
  • Pump and store enough breast milk for a night away with Matt (while my bonus mom and bonus brother stay with Henry)
  • Send birthday cards to my friends/family
  • Walk frequently and go to yoga once a week
  • Finish my book outline!
  • Finish evaluating the charter applications for the state
  • Be patient and forgiving with myself

I think that’s about all I can handle (and that may be too much!).

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