
Thank You Cards

While reading The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, I had the idea that I should write thank-you notes at the end of every day. Don’t get me wrong: I won’t actually have people to thank every day, but if I intentionally make time for it, then I’ll be more likely to write them more often.

To make it easier for myself to actually make thank-you writing a habit, I decided to create a little thank-you card station for myself. Previously, the thank-you cards were kept in the craft side of Henry’s closet, in a box that was a little difficult to get to. The stamps were kept in a different place.

I wanted to keep my thank-you writing station simple (I am anti-clutter!), so I tried to find a place that would make the most sense. It occurred to me that I could simply add thank you cards and stamps to the back of our sticky note container. It makes a lot of sense because it’s right above the desk where I can sit down to write the cards (I’ll always have easy access to a pen from the drawer). Also, by adding everything to an existing container, I didn’t create any additional clutter.

Now that I have everything in one place, I think I’ll be more likely to make my thank-you writing a daily habit!


  • Mariah Chadukiewicz

    I think this is a great idea. Another thing that you could consider- at family meals instead of saying grace or a prayer our family hold hands and go around and say what we have been thankful for today.It could be as simple as "I'm thankful it was a beautiful day out and we have a great meal" to 'I'm thankful I have such great parents" or anything. This would be an especially nice ritual when Henry is talking!

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