
Home Tour

Created by Ben Becker
I’ve been wanting to do a virtual tour of our house for a while now (perhaps to help me feel like a bona fide blogger?). However, I never seemed to muster the motivation to do it, probably because I don’t feel like our house is finished in terms of decor.

But then I got a request in the comments section of this post from WilderMiss to post a tour of my house. And then I got an e-mail from reader Emily letting me know that she’s moving to Houston and would be interested in looking at our house (since we’ll be moving to Austin soon).

After Matt and I organized and cleaned our house for Emily’s visit, I asked my professional photographer friend, Ben, to snap a few shots for our MLS listing. He was coming over anyway with his wife Sarah and their daughter Ellie Cate to get a mini-lesson about how to do Montessori in the home.

Ben took our little request (“One shot of each room will be great, Ben.”) and proceeded to inject it with growth hormones. We ended up with tons of photos and a video to boot!

By the way, what do you all think about trying to sell our home without a realtor? I know they did it over at Young House Love, but I’m still a little intimidated. Still, it would help us save a lot of money. Hmm…


  • Carissa

    Lovely home, thanks for sharing. I am also considering selling our home without a realtor (my husband is a bit skeptical). I think it can be done but will take a lot of time to do it well. Making time to do the right amount of research in pricing the home and finding a service that works with a realtor to advertise on the MLS seem like the two most key points that if you can handle, the rest should hopefully follow! Best of luck!

  • saracotner

    Hi, Cecile! I studied French for five years (high school + one year in college) and Matt is nearly fluent in French from minoring in it in college and studying abroad in Paris.

    Hi, Carissa! I just bought a book about selling your own house. We'll see how easy it seems after I read it!

  • Anonymous

    I think you can definitely do it. I have only bought/sold straight from owners and it always works best. Like anything, read and know the pitfalls–the rest is luck and timing. Just as a friendly comment: I don't know how you plan to use the video, but–although it is very nice–I think it is way way too touchy feely for a serious buyer. I am looking to buy now (not in TX) and felt frustrated as I waited for the focus to move beyond doorknobs and porch swing planks and see what the house was really made of! I think it is a sweet video for an extra but make SURE to offer the down and dirty and all the technical details first. The video would be perfect for a buyer who is already interested and then you throw the sentimental factor their way and they will be hooked! Maybe your friend can make a more no nonsense video tour of the house? Good luck!

  • saracotner

    @ Anonymous: I asked our friend to take a couple photos for our MLS listing. He decided to make the video as a gift to us to help us celebrate and commemorate the home we've built together. I posted the video here as a tour of our home, so you all could get to know us a little better, not to try and sell our house. I plan to pull approximately 12 practical photos for the MLS listing (from the ones included in the video). Sorry for the confusion! I just lumped everything together in one post because the home tour plus asking about selling our house on our own didn't seem to warrant to separate posts.

  • Kelsey

    I love how bright and uncluttered your house is, and how your family's personality shines through! I'm inspired to do some decluttering and organizing/decorating in a couple of rooms that have been neglected at our house.

  • V. Wetlaufer

    Your house is my dream home, if only it was not in TX! And if only I were in a position to buy a house right now. I did forward this link to friends in Houston. My dream is to find a house like this in SLC someday. You really have created a lovely space together.

  • Autumn

    I think you can sell without a realtor as long as you are on MLS– it is still the main game in town for most buyers. Also, realize that what you are giving up by not using a realtor is the buffer the realtor provides. The realtor would set up showings, handle negotiations with potential sellers, make sure you have all your ducks in a row throughout the whole process (pricing your house right, inspections, appraisals, forms, etc.). Time can be a factor also– if you are in a hurry to sell (fall is not that far away!), or too busy to handle those phone calls that come in all day long, it may be worth it to consider using a realtor. But I'm thinking you will be home all summer once school lets out, right? Paying 6% of your sales price (that's standard here in TN, it varies other places) is no joke, so you just have to figure out what works best for you.

  • Anonymous

    I love how simple and uncluttered your house is, yet still stylish and homey! This is what I want to go for in my home. Fill it only with things I love and use. 🙂 Good luck on the house sale and move, though this house looks so charming and sweet! 😉

  • kacey

    LOVE your decor- you have total modern restraint but also lots of homey touches. Your buyer will be lucky to score this sweet little bungalow. I'll be curious to hear about your real estate experience and Austin (and also to see pics of your new home). Very exciting… we're making our move in 14 months and I'm counting down the days (I know…not a healthy way to live in the moment). Thanks as always for sharing!

  • Sharpiegirl

    My best friend and her husband did that when they sold their house. She is as detail oriented as you so I don't see you having any problems. Just read all the documents carefully.

    And something that a family member learned the hard way. DON'T finance even a tiny part of the price for the buyer. He tried to help out a young single mother because she didn't qualify for the full amount of the house he was selling. He got burned big time when she stiffed him for about 10K.

    PS-I had an awwww moment watching your video. I couldn't believe it when I saw our "concert poster/wedding invitation" still hanging on your wall. Several of our friends still have them up as well.

  • saracotner

    Hi, Carla! Your wedding invitation is seriously the only invitation I've ever kept. Usually, I don't even keep them temporarily. I open them, write down the information, and recycle them (which is why I'm always advising people to stop stressing about the invitations!). Yours were truly lovely. I'm just sorry I couldn't accompany Matt to the wedding!

  • Sharpiegirl

    Sara…I am sorry you missed it too. Although the storm in the middle of the night was a little scary. In case you need a frame for it…Target has a simple black frame that fit it perfectly

    It would be lovely to meet you and the wee one of these days.

    Oh and I would consult a realtor on what they think you could sell the house for. You might be pleasantly surprised.

  • Emily

    What a beautiful video to share with Henry when he gets older! From the plans you mention, he probably won't have any memory of his first home but what a special thing to share with him someday!

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