
Holy Moly

Chances are all of you web-savvy internet people have already seen this. I mean, more than a million people have viewed it! But I simply must share it anyway. The video brought tears to my eyes, and I think the idea is simply brilliant.

I registered an e-mail address for Henry’s online scrapbook right away. In case you have something you want to share with him, his e-mail address is dearhenryjones@gmail.com. I’ll still keep his tangible scrapbook going, but I think an e-mail scrapbook will be an excellent way for family members to contribute.


  • Rachel

    We kind of do this only I don't have a separate email address for my son. I write letters to him on our blog and then every now and then, I write a letter 'from our son' to his grandparents, aunties, uncles etc with a few photos. For the most part, they've been really obliging about writing back short little notes to him too. I plan to put it all in a book for his first year along with the 365 project I've been doing for him too. Its fun and a lot of work but I hope to do this for each of our children.


  • spanishteacher83

    That is great! I have to say, I love those Google chrome ads. I normally don't watch commercials AT ALL but those ones just get to me. I especially love the one with Dan Savage and the It Gets Better project. Have you seen it?

  • Little Mama Layton

    I love the Google Chrome ads too! The It Gets Better one gets me EVERY time, but this one reallllly got me. Of course, we're expecting our first, a little girl in just a few weeks, so it really hit home. Today is one of those "Holy cow, I'm having a baby" days…

  • Autumn

    I don't know if I'm just pregnant and hormonal, but I totally cried at this, AND am amazed at what a simple and brilliant idea it is. Thanks for sharing! Starting one for our twins now (or should that be two?)…

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