
Are You into Graphic Design?

I desperately want to redesign the header on this blog (it doesn’t even match up with the actual name of of the blog, which is Feeding the Soil!), but I am seriously lacking the creative inspiration needed to undertake such an endeavor.

I’m wondering if there are any graphic designers (or wannabe graphic designers!) among you who might like to enter a contest to redesign the header? I’m brainstorming prizes like free enrollment in my Purposeful Conception course? Or maybe a box of maternity clothes? Or a box of books about pregnancy? Or a $30 gift card to Williams-Sonoma + a $25 gift card to Starbucks?

If you’ve got design skills and an interest in entering such a contest (you could pick your own prize from the above list), please leave a comment! Depending on the responses, I’ll figure out if a contest makes sense. I could also throw in a permanent link to your blog or business website at the bottom of the page to thank you for your contribution.

Let me know what you think!


UPDATE: Based on the responses so far, the contest is officially on! A commenter pointed out that the design community has disdain for contests such as these, so I wanted to draw your attention to the issue. My intention is not to disrespect any of you. The winner will hopefully feel like the small prize + a permanent advertisement (as long as I’m using the header) is sufficient appreciation for their work.

Here’s how to enter:

  • Submit a .jpg of a new header for Feeding the Soil that is exactly the same width and approximately the same height as the current header via e-mail. If the file is too large to send, you can upload it somewhere online and send me the link to download. I will respond to every submission I receive, so if I don’t respond within 24 hours, it probably means I didn’t receive the file.
  • Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis, starting after August 1. You can submit your entry before then, but I won’t start thinking about the winner until after August 1. After August 1, the contest will stay open until a winner is selected. I will update this post once a winner is selected, so if you’re reading this post and it doesn’t include a winner, then the contest is still open.
  • You may enter as many designs as you want!
  • You may e-mail me with any questions you have. I’d be happy to help in any way I can (answering questions like, “I think font A is more my style than font B.”) As long as the questions are easy (I’m thinking multiple choice!).
  • If your design is selected, I may ask you to make a few slight modifications to the design. If you are up for making the requested changes, the prize will be yours. If you feel like the changes would compromise your work too much, then the prize will go to someone else.
  • If your design is chosen, you may pick one prize from the following list: 1) free enrollment in my Purposeful Conception course for you and your partner 2) A box of maternity clothes mailed to your doorstop 3) A box of books about pregnancy mailed to your doorstop 4) A $30 gift card to Williams-Sonoma + a $25 gift card to Starbucks
  • Your work will be acknowledged (and celebrated!) with an advertisement in the sidebar of my site, as long as I use the header you design.

I’m really looking forward to this!


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