
Sewing Club

Image courtesy of Colette Patterns

Anyone interesting in doing a little virtual sewing together? I’m going to tackle this cute (and relatively easy?) dress by Colette Patterns. It’s called the Crepe.

I love the 1950ish feel to it, as well as the cap sleeves. And I’m especially enamored by the idea that it has a tie waist instead of any difficult closures.

But in order to tackle a big sewing project (while I juggle a gazillion things: this blog, 2000 Dollar Wedding, Purposeful Conception, educational consulting, my book about weddings, my book about Montessori, selling our house, finding a rental house, and Henry), I’m going to have to break it down into manageable chunks.

  1. Take my measurements
  2. Read reviews of the pattern online
  3. Order the pattern
  4. Buy the fabric
  5. Wash and iron fabric (thanks, Sara!)
  6. Cut out the pattern pieces
  7. Cut out the fabric pieces
  8. Sew the dress (easier said than done!)

Anyone care to join me? If so, please join the Feeding the Soil community discussion area on Big Tent and then join the Sewing Club subgroup!


  • Malvo

    Thanks for the above link. What an informative, supportive website. It looks like it has some great tutorials. I don't have a sewing machine at my disposal right now, but I just got a bunch of thread, so maybe I'll practice some easy hand sewing projects instead. 🙂

  • andee

    Yea! I love this idea. I completely want to do this! Radicool – can we still radicool? Anyway, this will be the first clothing item I've ever sewn! Yea!

  • saracotner

    Hi, Rachel! Thank you so much for the tip. The site looks so, so helpful!

    To Everyone Who Signed Up: I created a Feeding the Soil community over on Big Tent. Then I created a Sewing Club sub-group. You'll receive an invitation to join the Feeding the Soil community. Once you join, then you can also join the sub-group. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm excited!

  • Sara

    No problem. I didn't have time to say earlier, but do now, since all the kiddos are tucked in. But that list you made is one of the only ways I can get any crafting done. But, I have to break it down into even smaller steps just so I can occasionally have something to cross off my list (like pin pattern pieces on) :). I call it sewing during stolen moments. Good luck on your endeavors!

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