
A New Chapter for Feeding the Soil

I’ve been blogging since 2007, but I’ve been reluctant to jump on the sponsorship bandwagon. So much of what I started blogging about over at 2000 Dollar Wedding was the importance of putting our time, energy, hearts, and minds into something other than the predominant consumer culture. And I very much support the ad-free blog movement.

But lately I’ve started taking a more honest look at our situation. We have been living on one income since February, so I can take care of Henry all day and take giant steps toward my goal of opening a public, Montessori charter school in Austin.

And just when we cut our income in half, we simultaneously committed our hearts and minds to buying land and building a pocket neighborhood, so we need to be saving more money than ever. Eep!

It’s not that I want this blog to be a bona fide, major source of income; it’s just that I’m starting to realize it would make sense to earn some money from an endeavor that takes so much of my time and energy each week.

I’m also starting to realize that there are ways to do it responsibly, like so many bloggers I respect (such as Meg and Amy). I can maintain my integrity (and the integrity of this blog), while also bringing in some extra money. I’m also realizing that it’s a way to help me help other people pursue their dreams, such as my internet friends Kelly and Sebrina.

So I’m going to give sponsorships a whirl on Feeding the Soil and see how they feel. I’m going to place small ads in the left-hand sidebar, and then once a month I will do a sponsor round-up post. I’ll save these posts for Friday (which is a day I usually don’t post at all), so that the discussion of sponsors won’t detract from the content I usually provide.

Does that sound okay?

I’m honestly super-excited to introduce you to our first sponsor tomorrow and then six more at the beginning of September.

If you have an independent business or project that you think would be a good fit for Feeding the Soil kindred spirits, please contact me for ad rates!


  • lindsey kaye

    I'm glad you're doing this! I know it probably wasn't an easy decision and it really sounds like you've put a lot of thought into maintaining your values and also valuing yourself and your time.

  • Roxanne

    I think it's a good move! It seems like a really good way to combine something you put a lot of time into with a way to support your life. No problem there.

  • Mismikado

    Your blogs have always been so insightful and well planned and thought out that it makes sense that you need a bit of compensation for your time and effort. And thank you a million times over for the shout out 🙂

  • Autumn

    I think it's great! It's totally valid to put a dollar value on the work you put into this blog. And of course, having sponsors doesn't mean you've sold your soul.

  • Sarah vL

    Sara, you work so hard (both in life, and for this blog) that it would be a shame for you to not be paid for your time, energy, and knowledge. I'm very happy you're able to take these next steps with sponsors, and because I know you are so intentional with what you put here on the blog, I know also that your sponsors will be intentionally chosen, and I can't wait to see who they are/possibly support them, too!

    Thanks for the openness – it is very much appreciated!!

  • Anonymous

    I so very much appreciate your insights every week, and am so glad that you have found a way that will make blogging work for you better!

  • Shawn

    I agree with everything said above! I'm so happy for you and this new development – you will be lifting up small businesses and like-minded people, while creating more opportunity for your own dreams to flourish. Congratulations!

  • Ellen

    I completely agree! As women we often under-value the contributions we are making. Letting your amazing work go completely unpaid for so long is one such example! Well-selected sponsorships can improve our lives as readers too. Thanks for all you do.

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