
Baby Food Party

These days, I’m trying to find as many ways possible to leverage the power of community to save money. Our babysitting co-op has been great for that. I’m able to get free babysitting for Henry by babysitting my friends’ babies.

I recently had the idea that I could save time and money (and have fun!) by coordinating a baby food making party. I sent out a message to the gals from my prenatal yoga class and six of them expressed interest.

We’re going to get together on a Saturday afternoon (sans babies) and make a whole bunch of homemade, organic baby food. Since baby food can be frozen for up to two months, we can make huge batches, freeze it in ice-cube trays, transfer the cubes to freezer bags, and take out one or two cubes at a time to defrost.

So far, the two books that have been most helpful to me are:

We’re just going to use our food processors and blenders to whip up loads of different recipes from the books. I can’t wait!

And to all my soon-to-be-Austin friends: I hope you’ll be game for a baby food making party once I get settled!


REMINDER: Only one day left to register for the next Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy, which starts on September 4. Register today!


  • Chariot

    Great idea! I made lots of baby food as there is very little variety in the stores. Make your own and you can make broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin… Personally, I didn't like the ice cube trays. After a few rounds of that I invested in lots of mini freezable Glad storage containers, BPA free. Which makes me realize i have no idea if my ice cube trays are BPA free.

    Goodluck with your baby food!!

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