
September: Reflection & Rejuvenation

Wow. I can’t believe Fall is almost here. Of course it doesn’t physically feel like Fall in Houston, but it definitely does psychologically. Let’s see how I did in August:
  • Be the best mother and teacher I can be for my son, Henry. I have to remember that all the time and energy I put into parenting now is an investment in our future together. Specifically, I want to help Henry learn how to take naps on his bed. I also want to help him learn how to sleep through the night. I also want to take him on daily outings. He’s starting to get very bored at home. Yes! We’re doing great with all of these things (well, we’re still working on the sleeping-through-the-night without waking up thing, but it’s definitely getting better!).
  • Recruit participants for the next Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy: Yes! I’m so excited for the next course the run.
  • Send printed photos to the grandparents, like I promised to do every month for their Christmas presents last year: Yes! But I will have to think long and hard before ever giving a present again that requires work every single month!
  • Study Spanish for 20 minutes every weekday: No. I am failing miserably at this, since Henry is such a fast breast feeder now.
  • Work on my 2000 Dollar Wedding book: I’ve been waiting for my editor to get back to me with feedback, so I have an excuse.
  • Work on the book that I am co-authoring about Montessori: Yes!
  • Get our house ready to go on the market at the beginning of September: Yes!
  • Find a rental house in Austin: Well, we can’t really do this until we find a buyer.
  • Update the look of this blog: Yes! Thanks to Sebrina!
  • Sew a dress: I started a Sewing Club, bought the pattern, ordered the fabric, and washed the fabric. I even scheduled a craft date with a friend to start working on it. But I have not finished it.
  • Travel to Austin to observe the charter school application interviews: Yes!
  • Plan something fun with friends (maybe a potluck at the drive-in?): I kind of cheated on this one. Our friends planned something and invited us. I’ll count that…

As for my intentions for this month, I feel like I need to take it easy on myself. We are going to put our house on the market ourselves, so we will be very involved with that endeavor.

  • Sell our house! We will host open houses every Sunday (with homemade cookies and mint hibiscus tea!). We’ll have to vacate the house every time someone wants to see it. I will not be my most productive!
  • Find a rental house in Austin. Oy vey.
  • Be the best mother and teacher I can be for my son, Henry. I have to remember that all the time and energy I put into parenting now is an investment in our future together.
  • Actively participate in my online course, Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy.
  • Finish losing all my baby weight by consistently implementing my lifestyle changes and holding myself accountable within the Health & Wellness Club.
  • Attend the Teach For America Houston Leadership Summit.
  • Work with a graphic designer to get the logo designed for the non-profit organization that will apply for a charter to open a public Montessori charter school in Austin.
  • Keep my two blogs going.
  • Plan a going-away party [insert sad face]

What are your intentions for the month? For those of you who write your own blog posts like this (Jennie and Kelsey, I’m talking to you!), please share the links!


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