
Update: Family Mission Statement

Before Henry was born, I put some thought into how we should display our Family Mission Statement. I wanted it to be aesthetically pleasing, in a location that we visit frequently, and something that we could revise very easily throughout the years.

I wanted to report that–so far–the IKEA frame hung above our toilet is working perfectly. The original family photo I used featured Henry in utero, so I wanted to update it to something more current. I quickly and easily cropped one of our vacation photos into a 5 x 7 and changed it to black and white using Picasa. Then I uploaded it to Snapfish and ordered it. When it arrived at our house, I used a butter knife to remove the back of the picture frame (I was too lazy to get out the screwdriver). I simply inserted the new picture (and kept the old one in there so I can reminisce every time I have to open it.

I’ll need to keep the message “Wherever we are together that is home” close to my heart as we try to sell our house, pack everything up, find a rental house in Austin, and move to a brand new-to-us city.


  • Shawn

    I love this idea – so meaningful and well-done, but simple. And the print in the middle is just great. I'm definitely stealing the idea of writing a Family Mission Statement when I get married – thanks for the inspiration, as usual. Happy Monday!

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