
October: Reflection & Rejuvenation

September always seems to go so fast. Hello, October!

Here’s my self-assessment of my intentions for September:

  • Sell our house! We will host open houses every Sunday (with homemade cookies and mint hibiscus tea!). We’ll have to vacate the house every time someone wants to see it. I will not be my most productive! We haven’t received an offer yet, but I’m proud of us for keeping our house so clean and de-cluttered, having such professional signs and flyers, and hosting professional open houses. Even though we haven’t been successful yet, it feels good to say that we’ve done absolutely everything we set out to do.
  • Find a rental house in Austin. No sense in doing this yet, since we haven’t sold our house. However, I have started researching other areas of Austin, such as south Austin which will be closer to Henry’s school when he starts a Montessori infant and toddler program the year before my school opens.
  • Be the best mother and teacher I can be for my son, Henry. I have to remember that all the time and energy I put into parenting now is an investment in our future together. Still pouring my heart into this!
  • Actively participate in my online course, Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy. I’ve read every single comment!
  • Finish losing all my baby weight by consistently implementing my lifestyle changes and holding myself accountable within the Health & Wellness Club. I’m one pound above my pre-pregnancy weight (and about four pounds above where I want to be). I’ve been walking for an hour every day and doing yoga once a week. Also, Matt and I are back to cooking four times a week. I’m feeling good!
  • Attend the Teach For America Houston Leadership Summit. Yes! It was great fun.
  • Work with a graphic designer to get the logo designed for the non-profit organization that will apply for a charter to open a public Montessori charter school in Austin. We’re working on it!
  • Keep my two blogs going. Yep, although I’ve been much more consistent with this one, since all my wedding thinking goes into writing my book.
  • Plan a going-away party [insert sad face] No need to, since we haven’t sold our house yet!
And here are some extra things I did this month:

  1. Attend a two-day summit about legal regulations for Texas charter schools.
  2. Scored a volunteer gig as the Director of Operations and School Compliance for a new charter school, in order to round out my skill set as I work toward my big goal of opening a public Montessori charter school.
  3. Traveled to Indiana to see family.
  4. Identified two mentors and had calls/meetings with them.
  5. Sewed a dress!
  6. Traveled to Austin for consulting.

And now October is here. Oh, October, I adore you! Let’s see what my intentions are for this month:

  • Be the best mother and teacher I can be for my son, Henry. I have to remember that all the time and energy I put into parenting now is an investment in our future together.
  • Go to a pumpkin patch!
  • Make homemade Halloween costumes for Henry and me.
  • Bake pumpkin seeds.
  • Plan spring break.
  • Put forth a concerted effort to find people for the Austin Pocket Neighborhood.
  • Plan Montessori For All website and then find someone to design it.
  • Start Henry’s 529.
  • Start recruiting a Board of Directors for Montessori For All.
  • Practice Spanish!
  • Make serious progress on my book about how to have a meaningful and memorable wedding without losing your savings or sanity.

What are your intentions for the month?


  • Raquel.Somatra

    You're so inspirational! And so productive!

    My goal this October is also to make serious progress in my writing, as well. Be the best wife I can to my husband. Meditate every day. Don't succumb to chocolate cravings during PMS, instead keep fresh fruit in abundance. Practice effective time management regarding new apprenticeship. Set up sewing station and actually break out my sewing machine, once and for all!

  • Raquel.Somatra

    It's not going to be anything fancy; we're getting a small, $20 table from IKEA and putting it in the tiny corner of the "bedroom" in our studio apartment. Maybe when you begin house-hunting, you could keep an eye out for an appropriate space for sewing!

  • Gracia

    Love this! I'm going to work on my intentions for october tonight. For now, if you need any help with your Spanish, here I am! I have taught Spanish as a second language and have a couple penpals around the world which whom I write in Spanish (and then correct their letters). I love it!

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