Book Recommendations
I have been on a hiatus from fiction reading for too long! Like, um, two years? Is that right? I think so. Two years ago in October, I attended the Houston B.I.R.T.H fair and then picked up a bunch of free books about conception and pregnancy from the public library sale. Since then, I’ve pretty much been reading only non-fiction.
When I put out a request for recommendations, I really appreciated your responses! Now I’m looking for a more permanent solution to finding new books. I want to join a social networking site related to book sharing. So far, I’ve heard about Good Reads and Shelfari (from you all, of course).
Are there others I’m missing? If not, which of those two is better?
And if you’re already on one of those sites, please leave me your name so I can connect with you!
Hi Sara! I just joined Shelfari and am very new to it, but I love the idea. I am also a teacher (TFA NYC '06) so I know about lots of kids books, but sometimes I need suggestions for adult books to keep me sane! If you want to follow me on Shelfari, my profile name is Kate Parkin.
Hi! I'm in Goodreads, my username is Gracia. I have yet to get used to use it, but I have friends who love it and swear by it to get good recommendations.
I really like GoodReads, and my username is rkreish.
having a baby has left me with such little time for a good fiction read! We do a lot of or podcasts but I do miss the ability to have time with a real book (and magazines don't count).
My last read was The Help which I LOVED and wished I read sooner. I just bought The Hunger Games by Collins which seems interesting – some sort of dystopia.
I love using Good Reads. My username is whirlybird.
Sew Do It Already
Hi Sara! I can't say which is better because I've never tried Shelfari, but I really do love goodreads. There's another called Librarything but I wasn't very impressed with that one. My username for goodreads is brandym
I've recently joined GoodReads (name: liatris) and I also joined LibraryThing (name: schhnee) and I think I like library thing better. They have an easier interface and a huge community, with active forums. You're able to catalogue your libraries into different collections, and they also have book give-a-ways where you get a book, read & review it, and then get to keep it.
I'm on (which is tied into 43things and listsofbests) and have found it a really awesome way to catalog the books I've read. When used in conjunction with listsofbests and their definitive and award lists, I think it can be one of the most enlightening and motivating (and kind of addicting!) site to use for reading (or movies or music for that matter). My username is seejanerun79 on the site. Good luck!
Environmental Soul
I really like Goodreads (username cm3610). I have found that there are endless ways to find new books. They also have contests to review books, forums, book clubs, and a book swap.
I'm on goodreads (Lela Thorne) and have a few friends who read a lot on there too, so I appreciate getting to see what they're reading.
Goodreads for me! I think my name is just "Anna," but you can find me with my email address. Look forward to seeing you on there if that's where you end up!
I also use Goodreads. I have heard of Library Thing – and know some people love it.
On Goodreads I think the best way to find me is my email address or my full name (Sarah Osentoski).
I love goodreads too! I had never heard of Shelfari but all the gals in my bookclub are on goodreads and so is my mom, I love getting to know what everyone is reading, you should sign up! I think you might even be able to make a little sub-group so that there could be a Feeding the Soil group on goodreads…not sure though.
Julie's Blog
I'm new to Goodreads myself but am loving it. My email address is and my full name is "Julie Rauhut". Not sure which way is the easiest to find folks but would love to join up with you on the site if you end up there! Cheers!
I like goodreads. My name is Meg Anderson. Can't wait to see what you're reading.
I like Goodreads! It's great for seeing what my friends are realizing (since I realized we hardly talk about books, but actually have quite similar tastes). And I also have starting using it a lot to keep a list of books that I want to [eventually] read. My username is _moxie
I millionth goodreads! Kate Ditzler.
I've been using Goodreads for a few years. ruledbythemoon. I recommend it.
bethanyrx or Bethany Jensen on goodreads. 🙂