Dwelling in Possibility: Updates!
Hmm…I want to spill my guts and update you about everything that’s happening, but it seems kind of irresponsible to put the intimate details of a real estate transaction out there for the wide, wide world to see.
But it’s killing me! I want to tell you everything!
I think I should wait. Yes, that would be the most prudent thing to do. But I want you to know that I am honestly taking wide steps toward my two major goals (to build a micro-pocket neighborhood and to start a public Montessori school in Austin). Even though I can’t exactly talk about what those steps are at this very moment, I want you to know that it’s hard work, scary work, insecure work, but I’m doing it anyway. That’s the best we can do, right? Give it our very best shot? Even if we’re scared that we’ll fail? Even if others think we’re a little loony? Even if there’s a possibility that we will be severely disappointed?
I’m inspired by so many relentless, hopeful, optimistic women around me (well, via my computer) who are at various stages in their journeys toward imagining what’s possible for their lives. There’s Kelly Rae who uncovered her inner artist and launched a career for herself. There’s Meg who just turned her book into an Amazon bestseller through hard, hard work. There’s Kelly who’s following-through on her creative commitment to herself and the community, one scarf at a time.
For me, it’s a combination of dreaming big and creating a bite-sized to-do list. I try not to fill up every available free moment with Facebook or television. I try to give my mind a little space in those small windows of time to dwell in possibility. And then I carve out larger chunks of time to brainstorm, make lists, cross out ideas. And then I take the ideas that stand out and start breaking them down into things I can actually accomplish during one of Henry’s naps.
And so this is what I’m doing. I’m finishing a book. Trying to purchase land, so we can build a house. Recruiting a board of directors, so I can start a non-profit school. Designing a website. Trying to sell our house.
One action item at a time. One nap at a time.
I will say, if you’re interested in being our neighbors in our sooner-rather-than-later pocket neighborhood in East Austin, please e-mail me to let me know. Each lot will cost about $45,000, and we’re going to have eco-friendly, modern homes built for about $140/square foot. If you want to buy a lot now and save up money for a house later, that could work, too. I know this stuff takes time.
Okay, back to work! Hopefully I’ll be able to divulge more soon!
Sweet Sara, I hope your dreams may come true sooner than you ever dared hope for! You deserve it!
Awesome! Can't wait until you can share details. Also, the Montessori for All website looks great!
$45K for a LOT? Yikes!
Thank you, Lene and Kelsey! I always appreciate your comments around these parts!
That's so cool! I wish you all the best with your dreams.
Eeee! I'm so excited for you that you're getting closer to your big goals. Thinking of you in Santa Fe!
RE: Dwelling in Possibility: I just found an idea for a "shared pool" for your community that was just so cool I couldn't help but share!
Also, I would lovelovelove to move to Austin, and I'm pretty sure my music nerd husband wouldn't be too upset either! But we're nowhere near being ready to buy yet, yet alone thinking of moving to another state.
Fingers crossed for good things for you in the next month and coming year!
Onnie! It's so good to see you again! I didn't know you were still here.
Okay, that pool is one of the strangest, coolest things I have seen in a while (and my husband surfs the internet as a hobby, so he shows me a lot of strange, cool things).
Thanks for sharing!
You all can come visit and sit/swim on/in our patio/pool once we're settled!
Mama Frog
So exciting, Sara! Can't wait until the "big reveal".