
Vegetarian Meal Plans for a Year

Happiest 20212!

I’m ecstatic to announce a new year’s present to the Feeding the Soil community. Thirteen of us compiled an entire year’s worth of delicious, healthy, fast, vegetarian recipes in a convenient, user-friendly, meal plan format: Meals for a Year.

What the resource includes:

  • An introduction that explains the guidelines we used to select the recipes
  • Bios of the women who painstakingly selected the recipes
  • A meal plan for each month of the year that includes 20 recipes
  • Shopping lists for each week that are organized a) by recipes (in case you want to make only one or two of the recipes) and b) by section of the grocery store.

It’s still a work in progress, so definitely e-mail me if you come across some glitches.
I have to confess that I’ve already started using this amazing resource. I’m eager to try out new recipes all year long without having to devote time to meal planning every week.————————————-
Today on 2000 Dollar Wedding: Read about the Power of Partnership. I’m so thankful to Matt for all his support as I rushed to meet my book deadline.


  • saracotner

    Hi, Sarah and freespirit farm: I'm glad you're as excited as I am!

    Also, I wanted to share an e-mail I received today, since everyone involved deserves praise:

    I popped over to your blog Feeding the Soil and was ecstatic to find Meals for a Year! (I should visit your blog more often!) This is an incredible resource. Meal planning every week can be very draining and time consuming. This makes it a snap! At any rate, I just wanted to e-mail you to let you know that this is a brilliant idea and will save me lots of time and planning in the new year.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you, thank you!! This will be such a help to my husband and me. We're both so busy and exhausted during the weekdays that we often end up eating out or making the same old 3 or 4 recipes. Not good. This is exactly what I needed! Thanks so much to all of you for the work you put into this resource, and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!!

  • Anonymous

    This is an incredible resource! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I hope you made your book deadline, and didn't tear out all your hair in the process. I'm so impressed with all you do, Sara!

  • Moxie

    I was originally slightly bummed that I wasn't selected to help plan recipes, but can honestly say I'm more than thrilled to be able to see [& enjoy] the results of everyone's hard work now!… and without having to lift a finger of my own yet. =)

    Thanks for all your great ideas, for sharing them, and building a community around it!

  • Bertie Fox

    Not wishing to be a miserable old git after someone who has worked so hard to bring a really valuable resource to so many people, but as someone who cannot tolerate cheese (always causes migraines and also not my favourite taste), I'm disappointed that so many of the recipes are based around cheese! I think it's around one in three! Does anybody have any suggestions what a non-cheese eater can substitute for cheese in these kinds of recipes which will not make them too bland and flavourless?

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