
Moving Day To-Do List


Holy Moly, Matt and I got an offer on our house!

I will go into all the details once we officially seal the deal. We still have to get through the inspection period. In the meantime, it’s time to start planning a move (which might happen as early as Jan. 26). I really want to purge and organize everything before it gets put into boxes. There’s no reason to move stuff we don’t use.

If you have your own desire to declutter and organize, you might find this calendar for the year helpful. Moxie shared it in the Feeding the Soil community, and it looks awesome.

Here’s our crazy-crunch plan:

Mon. 1/9

  • Organize all the paperwork in our bedroom closet and revise our system for the future.

Tues. 1/10

  • Prepare the living room, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Wed. 1/11

  • Prepare the dining room, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Thurs. 1/12

  • Prepare the kitchen, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Fri. 1/13

  • Prepare Henry’s room, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Sat. 1/14

  • Prepare the attic, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Sun. 1/15

  • Rest and catch up!

Mon. 1/16

  • Prepare the bathroom, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Tues. 1/17

  • Prepare the master bedroom, purging and organizing everything, so that it is completely ready to go in boxes.

Wed. 1/18

  • Pack the craft closet into boxes.

Thurs. 1/19

  • Pack the master bedroom closet into boxes.

Fri. 1/20

  • Pack the bathroom into boxes.

Sat. 1/21

  • Clean out the chicken coup and move the chickens to Austin.

Sun. 1/22

  • Pack the kitchen into boxes.

Mon. 1/23

  • Pack the master bedroom into boxes.

Tues. 1/24

  • Pack Henry’s room, the dining room, and the living room into boxes. Wash all the rugs. Pull everything out of the attic.

Wed. 1/25

  • Host a moving party and invite friends over to help us pack up the truck. The last thing we will do is vacuum before packing the vacuum in the truck. That night, Matt and I will sleep on the mattress from the pull-out couch, Henry will sleep on his floor bed, and Hoss will sleep on his bed. We will have one suitcase, cleaning supplies, and the hand vacuum with us. That night, we will patch holes in the walls and clean absolutely everything one last time.

Thurs. 1/26

  • Closing day! Matt will drive the truck and I will drive one of our cars. We will leave our other car at a friend’s house. We will come back for the other car soon. Alternatively, we will tow the car behind the truck, depending on cost options.

Today at 2000 Dollar Wedding: A conversation about courage and a link to my friend’s new blog about doing something that scares you every week.


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