
Reflection & Rejuvenation: June

Ah, summer has arrived in Texas. We’ve transitioned from hiking every weekend during our family time to swimming in fresh spring water. So fun! Austin, you’re growing on me.
I’m officially a month and a half pregnant, which seems crazy. Adding on the two weeks before actual conception feels weird, but that’s how it’s done on the 40-week calendar, so I will officially be two months pregnant on June 14. 
I intentionally set light goals for the month of May because I wanted to honor my body’s needs in the first trimester. I’ve definitely been more tired than usual, and I try to nap every day during Henry’s afternoon nap. Let’s see how I did.
  • Read books! I just renewed the library books that I didn’t get to last month: I did! I read a fiction book and a bunch of decorating books. I like this book about designing a family home.
  • Attend the Positive Parenting Book Club Meeting: I decided not to attend this meeting because the book didn’t really resonate with me at all.
  • Finish the book I’m writing with Kylie about cooking with children in a Montessori way: Almost! And you all, it’s awesome! I’m so proud of our collaboration. So, so proud.
  • Take naps as needed: Yes! This was my most successful intention this month…
  • Work through Purposeful Conception to get my mind, body, and life ready for pregnancy: I’ve been reading the posts every day. Some posts require me to really think through them and put in a lot of work (like the Wheel of Conception Readiness), while other topics are still in pretty good shape since the first round with Henry.
  • Move forward with purchasing land and starting to build a house: Yes! We are officially land owners! We are going to meet with the architect on Thursday. It sounds, though, like there’s going to be a real back-up with the building part. There are already seven houses in the queue to be built.
So, June, you are upon us. Let me look back at my goals for the year to see what I need to schedule into this month. I also want to think about more fun, summery goals, and I need to look at some of my to-do lists that don’t get looked at on a regular basis (related to preparing for the sweet baby). 
And we’re off! Here are my goals for the month of June:
  • Find a regular babysitter so we can start going on date nights.
  • Switch to a less expensive car insurance.
  • Make a gift for my friend who is having a baby this month. 
  • Get outside as much as possible.
  • Promote our new book, Kids in the Kitchen: Simple Recipes that Build Confidence and Independence the Montessori Way.
  • Go on a day trip out of town inspired by the Backroads of the Texas Hill Country.
It looks like I have another light and easy month ahead of me! That feels right, given the fact that I’m still in the first trimester and it’s the start of summer!

Photo Courtesy of the Nikki McClure Calendar


  • Cécy

    On the car insurance: if you know anyone in your family who is or was in the military. See with them about getting USAA. My husband's step-father was in the military and got us on it. Great service and some of the best rates you can find around.

  • Julia

    Agreed on the USAA note, we have them and they are awesome in every way. Also I used to have esurance, and they were great too…. just out of curiosity, what was it about that book that didn't resonate with you? This is The 7 Worst Things Good Parents Do, right? I haven't read it but it seems interesting, and I'm curious what your thoughts were.

  • Kelsey

    I have to change my car insurance too! For my Prius (woo hoo!) my car insurance is now $100/month. I got a quote from Progressive that was half that! And I'm pretty sure it's the same coverage. Just have to make the time to go through the switch process, ugh.

    I can't wait to read the new book Sara! What a cool accomplishment!

  • Kelly

    Another happy USAA customer here. 🙂

    Congratulations on buying your land! What an exciting first step towards realizing your dreams!

    I'm so curious about what book about designing a home for family life you like, but the link doesn't work.

  • Amy Harrison

    I don't know why I didn't clue in to ask this earlier but your mention of your pregnancy reminded me – when did your menstrual cycle return after pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding? Personal question, but if you're willing to answer it I'd love to hear about your experience.

    My son is just about 10 months old and nothing yet!

  • saracotner

    Hi, Kelly! I'll fix the link! Sorry about that…It's by the same author of another book you recommended.

    Hi, Amy! I can't remember exactly when it returned. Maybe after 7 months? I followed my pediatricians advice about stretching out nighttime feedings until Henry was sleeping through the night (I've posted the exact recommendations in earlier posts). I want to say he was sleeping from 7:30pm to 7am around six or seven months. I'm pretty sure that's why my period came back even though I breastfed Henry until he was 14 months-old.

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