
Henry’s New Toys

I’ve often mentioned the process of rotating toys in and out of storage in a Montessori environment to keep the space orderly, decluttered, attractive, inviting, and stimulating. Aside from Discovery Baskets, we don’t use big baskets to corral huge piles of toys. Instead, every item has its own spot on the shelf and we rotate the activities/toys out every couple weeks with items that are stored out of sight. 
The truth is, I haven’t done much rotating. Matt and I don’t buy a lot of stuff, so by the time I put toys on the three shelves in the living room and the shelf in his bedroom, I don’t have a lot of toys (or any, really) to rotate in. Kylie’s done a lot of posts about making toys for her son, Otis. I’m always inspired by her suggestions, but I never get around to actually making them for Henry [insert self-forgiveness]. 
Her most recent post (I guess this week is all about how Kylie inspires me to be a better mother?) gave me to little nudge I needed to order some new toys for Henry. Here’s what I ordered:
  1. Pop Up Toy
  2. Pound and Roll Tower
  3. Plan Toys Cone Sorting
I’m looking forward to seeing what he thinks about his new activities! Honestly, he’s much happier to go to explore the baby jungle that is our backyard, dig through the cabinets, push his learning tower around the kitchen, and wander around new places.

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