
In the News: Kids in the Kitchen

Hey friends! Check it out! Kids in the Kitchen: Simple Recipes That Build Independence and Confidence the Montessori Way was reviewed by Courtney on blogcritics and republished on her personal site. I love this quote:

This is a very thoughtful and well-planned book that provides a clear
path to help your child achieve independence in the kitchen with
confidence. I’ve seen in my own son the desire to be helpful and the
pride he has when he’s allowed to do these tasks for himself. I found
Cotner and D’Alton’s suggestions useful and easy-to-implement and
they’ve inspired me to take the time to allow my son to help more in the

 Also, a new review was added on Amazon
I just got my copy today, and I’ve already read all the background and
made one of the recipes with my 5 year old. She loved it! She loves to
help in the kitchen anyway, but she was super excited about the book.
The pictures make it really attractive and easy to follow. She had fun
picking a recipe and the step-by-step guide – with pictures – was super.
I found the instruction to be helpful and pointed. Thanks for a great
If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can snag one here. All proceeds go toward creating free public Montessori schools in diverse communities nationwide. Or if you’ve received a copy and want to write a review about it, we would be grateful! 
I’m clearing our more space in our kitchen cabinets for Henry. We have one cabinet for him right now. I want to set up an area for cleaning supplies, as well as his dishes so he can start setting the table. He’s been getting better and better at pouring with his pitcher (see video above). We’re careful to only fill it with as much water as we’re comfortable being spilled on the table. When that happens, we look at it as a lesson in cleaning up spills rather than pouring.


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