
Register Now: Purposeful Conception

I want to hurry and squeeze in another round of Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy before Matt and I start trying to conceive again. 
Because I have learned to recognize cervical mucous (thanks to Taking Charge of Your Fertility and Making Babies), I can tell that I’m ovulating right now. We decided to wait at least one cycle after my miscarriage to start trying again. Since my cycles tend to be long, I think the timing will be perfect to offer another course. I want to work through each lesson one more time before we try again. 
The most recent course was a lot of fun, and the feedback warmed my heart. Here’s a sampling:
“Sara, we want to thank you so much for undertaking the great task of
assembling this class and drawing this fabulous group of people
together. In addition to being informative and reassuring, your
insights, questions, and good humor have become a touchstone that
clarifies for us the adventure of starting a family, and helping us
envision the many wonderful and challenging experiences that are in
store. Having this touchstone has opened up conversations for us and
added needed structure to the way we’re approaching preconception and
pregnancy. As you advised, we hope we can continue to stay as open to
change as possible on our journey towards parenthood.”
“I put a lot of effort into starting to wrestle with some new ideas
about quitting my job and finding a place for myself that I
enjoy and that fits into my overall goals as a future parent. The
feedback from Sara and others was key to offering new ideas and the
encouragement to follow through. I’m still hard at work exploring the
ideas that arose, and I’m feeling excited about the direction of my life
for the first time in a year or so.”
“I now have a lovely to-do-list in my Google docs and I’ve already
started checking things off! It feels really good to be approaching
conception so deliberately. One day at a time, I am also making
decisions to help me carve out some me-time in the evenings and thinking
more practically about the changes that having a baby will bring to our
“Sara, this was a wonderful course – thoughtfully put together and well
written. You covered the topics in a sensitive but matter-of-fact
manner, and really captured the full spectrum of issues that are
important to consider when planning to start a family. I feel I would
have overlooked a lot of the issues had you not given us ‘permission’ to
really think them through…”
“Can you make one for every stage of life? :)”
I’m blushing. Thank you for letting me share those words with you!
I’m pretty sure Matt and I will stop after two kids, which makes me start to get nostalgic for this period of preparing for conception. This month may be my last chance to undergo the process of preparing my mind, body, and spirit to welcome a new life. If you’d like to join me, please sign up!
For those of you who are thinking
about conception or are actively trying, this online course is for you! From September 16 through October 12,
a new lesson will be uploaded each weekday. The lessons will address
a comprehensive range of topics, such as preparing your body through
solid nutrition and exercise, finding balance between what you can
and cannot control, making space in your life for pregnancy, deciding
whether to track your cycle, building a solid partnership as a
foundation for your future family, and much, much more. As a
participant in the course, you’ll receive information, tips, reflection
exercises and prompts, and a community of
like-minded kindred spirits who are on a journey similar to your own.

The course doesn’t presume that doing x, y, and z will lead to
pregnancy. Instead, the idea is to focus on the things we can control
in order to create a solid foundation (e.g., nutrition, stress levels,
relationships, finances, etc.) and to make peace with the things we
cannot control about the process.

Interested in learning more? Visit the Course Overview or About the Author.
Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The total cost is $99 USD. Register Now! Or e-mail me with more questions. Happy Conceiving!


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much for your support!

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